Miscellaneous Utilities

Miscellaneous Utilities — Various convenience and utility functions


char**              pango_split_file_list               (const char *str);
char*               pango_trim_string                   (const char *str);
gint                pango_read_line                     (FILE *stream,
                                                         GString *str);
gboolean            pango_skip_space                    (const char **pos);
gboolean            pango_scan_word                     (const char **pos,
                                                         GString *out);
gboolean            pango_scan_string                   (const char **pos,
                                                         GString *out);
gboolean            pango_scan_int                      (const char **pos,
                                                         int *out);
char*               pango_config_key_get                (const char *key);
void                pango_lookup_aliases                (const char *fontname,
                                                         char ***families,
                                                         int *n_families);
gboolean            pango_parse_enum                    (GType type,
                                                         const char *str,
                                                         int *value,
                                                         gboolean warn,
                                                         char **possible_values);
gboolean            pango_parse_style                   (const char *str,
                                                         PangoStyle *style,
                                                         gboolean warn);
gboolean            pango_parse_variant                 (const char *str,
                                                         PangoVariant *variant,
                                                         gboolean warn);
gboolean            pango_parse_weight                  (const char *str,
                                                         PangoWeight *weight,
                                                         gboolean warn);
gboolean            pango_parse_stretch                 (const char *str,
                                                         PangoStretch *stretch,
                                                         gboolean warn);
const char*         pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory      (void);
const char*         pango_get_lib_subdirectory          (void);
guint8*             pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels  (const gchar *text,
                                                         int length,
                                                         PangoDirection *pbase_dir);
gboolean            pango_is_zero_width                 (gunichar ch);
void                pango_quantize_line_geometry        (int *thickness,
                                                         int *position);


The functions and utilities in this section are mostly used from Pango backends and modules, but may be useful for other purposes too.


pango_split_file_list ()

char**              pango_split_file_list               (const char *str);

Splits a G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR-separated list of files, stripping white space and substituting ~/ with $HOME/.

str :

a G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR separated list of filenames

Returns :

a list of strings to be freed with g_strfreev()

pango_trim_string ()

char*               pango_trim_string                   (const char *str);

Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

str :

a string

Returns :

A newly-allocated string that must be freed with g_free()

pango_read_line ()

gint                pango_read_line                     (FILE *stream,
                                                         GString *str);

Reads an entire line from a file into a buffer. Lines may be delimited with '\n', '\r', '\n\r', or '\r\n'. The delimiter is not written into the buffer. Text after a '#' character is treated as a comment and skipped. '\' can be used to escape a # character. '\' proceeding a line delimiter combines adjacent lines. A '\' proceeding any other character is ignored and written into the output buffer unmodified.

stream :

a stdio stream

str :

GString buffer into which to write the result

Returns :

0 if the stream was already at an EOF character, otherwise the number of lines read (this is useful for maintaining a line number counter which doesn't combine lines with '\')

pango_skip_space ()

gboolean            pango_skip_space                    (const char **pos);

Skips 0 or more characters of white space.

pos :

in/out string position

Returns :

FALSE if skipping the white space leaves the position at a '\0' character.

pango_scan_word ()

gboolean            pango_scan_word                     (const char **pos,
                                                         GString *out);

Scans a word into a GString buffer. A word consists of [A-Za-z_] followed by zero or more [A-Za-z_0-9] Leading white space is skipped.

pos :

in/out string position

out :

a GString into which to write the result

Returns :

FALSE if a parse error occurred.

pango_scan_string ()

gboolean            pango_scan_string                   (const char **pos,
                                                         GString *out);

Scans a string into a GString buffer. The string may either be a sequence of non-white-space characters, or a quoted string with '"'. Instead a quoted string, '\"' represents a literal quote. Leading white space outside of quotes is skipped.

pos :

in/out string position

out :

a GString into which to write the result

Returns :

FALSE if a parse error occurred.

pango_scan_int ()

gboolean            pango_scan_int                      (const char **pos,
                                                         int *out);

Scans an integer. Leading white space is skipped.

pos :

in/out string position

out :

an int into which to write the result

Returns :

FALSE if a parse error occurred.

pango_config_key_get ()

char*               pango_config_key_get                (const char *key);

Looks up a key in the Pango config database (pseudo-win.ini style, read from $sysconfdir/pango/pangorc, ~/.pangorc, and getenv (PANGO_RC_FILE).)

key :

Key to look up, in the form "SECTION/KEY".

Returns :

the value, if found, otherwise NULL. The value is a newly-allocated string and must be freed with g_free().

pango_lookup_aliases ()

void                pango_lookup_aliases                (const char *fontname,
                                                         char ***families,
                                                         int *n_families);

Look up all user defined aliases for the alias fontname. The resulting font family names will be stored in families, and the number of families in n_families.

fontname :

an ascii string

families :

will be set to an array of font family names. this array is owned by pango and should not be freed.

n_families :

will be set to the length of the families array.

pango_parse_enum ()

gboolean            pango_parse_enum                    (GType type,
                                                         const char *str,
                                                         int *value,
                                                         gboolean warn,
                                                         char **possible_values);

Parses an enum type and stored the result in value.

If str does not match the nick name of any of the possible values for the enum, FALSE is returned, a warning is issued if warn is TRUE, and a string representing the list of possible values is stored in possible_values. The list is slash-separated, eg. "none/start/middle/end". If failed and possible_values is not NULL, returned string should be freed using g_free().

type :

enum type to parse, eg. PANGO_TYPE_ELLIPSIZE_MODE.

str :

string to parse. May be NULL.

value :

integer to store the result in, or NULL.

warn :

if TRUE, issue a g_warning() on bad input.

possible_values :

place to store list of possible values on failure, or NULL.

Returns :

TRUE if str was successfully parsed.

Since 1.16

pango_parse_style ()

gboolean            pango_parse_style                   (const char *str,
                                                         PangoStyle *style,
                                                         gboolean warn);

Parses a font style. The allowed values are "normal", "italic" and "oblique", case variations being ignored.

str :

a string to parse.

style :

a PangoStyle to store the result in.

warn :

if TRUE, issue a g_warning() on bad input.

Returns :

TRUE if str was successfully parsed.

pango_parse_variant ()

gboolean            pango_parse_variant                 (const char *str,
                                                         PangoVariant *variant,
                                                         gboolean warn);

Parses a font variant. The allowed values are "normal" and "smallcaps" or "small_caps", case variations being ignored.

str :

a string to parse.

variant :

a PangoVariant to store the result in.

warn :

if TRUE, issue a g_warning() on bad input.

Returns :

TRUE if str was successfully parsed.

pango_parse_weight ()

gboolean            pango_parse_weight                  (const char *str,
                                                         PangoWeight *weight,
                                                         gboolean warn);

Parses a font weight. The allowed values are "heavy", "ultrabold", "bold", "normal", "light", "ultraleight" and integers. Case variations are ignored.

str :

a string to parse.

weight :

a PangoWeight to store the result in.

warn :

if TRUE, issue a g_warning() on bad input.

Returns :

TRUE if str was successfully parsed.

pango_parse_stretch ()

gboolean            pango_parse_stretch                 (const char *str,
                                                         PangoStretch *stretch,
                                                         gboolean warn);

Parses a font stretch. The allowed values are "ultra_condensed", "extra_condensed", "condensed", "semi_condensed", "normal", "semi_expanded", "expanded", "extra_expanded" and "ultra_expanded". Case variations are ignored and the '_' characters may be omitted.

str :

a string to parse.

stretch :

a PangoStretch to store the result in.

warn :

if TRUE, issue a g_warning() on bad input.

Returns :

TRUE if str was successfully parsed.

pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory ()

const char*         pango_get_sysconf_subdirectory      (void);

On Unix, returns the name of the "pango" subdirectory of SYSCONFDIR (which is set at compile time). On Windows, returns the etc\pango subdirectory of the Pango installation directory (which is deduced at run time from the DLL's location).

Returns :

the Pango sysconf directory. The returned string should not be freed.

pango_get_lib_subdirectory ()

const char*         pango_get_lib_subdirectory          (void);

On Unix, returns the name of the "pango" subdirectory of LIBDIR (which is set at compile time). On Windows, returns the lib\pango subdirectory of the Pango installation directory (which is deduced at run time from the DLL's location).

Returns :

the Pango lib directory. The returned string should not be freed.

pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels ()

guint8*             pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels  (const gchar *text,
                                                         int length,
                                                         PangoDirection *pbase_dir);

This will return the bidirectional embedding levels of the input paragraph as defined by the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm available at:


If the input base direction is a weak direction, the direction of the characters in the text will determine the final resolved direction.

text :

the text to itemize.

length :

the number of bytes (not characters) to process, or -1 if text is nul-terminated and the length should be calculated.

pbase_dir :

input base direction, and output resolved direction.

Returns :

a newly allocated array of embedding levels, one item per character (not byte), that should be freed using g_free.

Since 1.4

pango_is_zero_width ()

gboolean            pango_is_zero_width                 (gunichar ch);

Checks ch to see if it is a character that should not be normally rendered on the screen. This includes all Unicode characters with "ZERO WIDTH" in their name, as well as bidi formatting characters, and a few other ones. This is totally different from g_unichar_iszerowidth() and is at best misnamed.

ch :

a Unicode character

Returns :

TRUE if ch is a zero-width character, FALSE otherwise

Since 1.10

pango_quantize_line_geometry ()

void                pango_quantize_line_geometry        (int *thickness,
                                                         int *position);

Quantizes the thickness and position of a line, typically an underline or strikethrough, to whole device pixels, that is integer multiples of PANGO_SCALE. The purpose of this function is to avoid such lines looking blurry.

Care is taken to make sure thickness is at least one pixel when this function returns, but returned position may become zero as a result of rounding.

thickness :

pointer to the thickness of a line, in Pango units

position :

corresponding position

Since 1.12