Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
\NxboaXBOA - Cross-Platform Beam Optics Analysis A multiparticle tracking postprocessor library for accelerator physicists
 oNalgorithmsThe algorithms module provides algorithms for performing common accelerator physics tasks
 |oNclosed_orbitThe closed_orbit module provides algorithms for finding closed_orbits
 || oCEllipseClosedOrbitFinderFind the closed orbit given an ellipse
 || \CEllipseClosedOrbitFinderIterationData following a single pass of the closed orbit finder
 |oNpeak_finderAlgorithms to find peaks in potentially noisy data
 |||\CRefinePeakFinderFind peaks in a list of data points when you have an estimate of the peaks position already, using a quadratic fit (in ROOT) to the peak
 |||\CUphillDownhillPeakFinderFind peaks in a list of data by looking at first derivative
 || \CWindowPeakFinderFind peaks in a list of data points by looking for the peak within a window
 |oNsmoothingAlgorithms to clean up noisy data by averaging over nearby points
 |||\CGaussianSmoothingGaussian smoothing class applies a smoothing by summing nearby data and weighting according to a truncated Gaussian distribution
 || \CHanningSmoothing
 |\NtuneThe tune module provides algorithms for finding the tune
 | \N_fft_tune
 |  \CFFTTuneFinderFind the tune using the fast fourier transform technique
 oNbunchImplemented within this module:
 ||\CBunchRepresents a bunch of particles
 |\NweightingThe weighting module provides algorithms for performing statistical weighting of bunches
 | oN_bounding_ellipse
 | |\CBoundingEllipseDefines an arbitrary dimensional ellipse that can be taken as a boundary for VoronoiWeighting
 | \N_voronoi_weighting
 |  \CVoronoiWeightingVoronoiWeighting class enables the user to set statistical weights of Hits in a Bunch based on how close they are to neighbouring Hits
 oNcommonCommon module defines common utility data and functions that are used elsewhere
 | \CrgRoot globals line_color_int=1, line_style_int=1, line_width_int=2, fill_color_int=None, stats_bool=False, hist_title_string=''
 oNCommonDeprecated accessor to xboa.common module
 oNexamplesA set of examples for using the xboa package
 |oNclosed_orbitExample code to find a closed orbit
 |oNExample_1Example code to read a file and perform some data access operations
 |oNExample_2Example code to read a file and make some plots
 |oNExample_3Example code to read a file, make some cuts and then plot
 |oNExample_4Example code to read a file, apply a transformation and plot before and after
 oNhitImplemented within this module:
 ||oCBadEventErrorBadEventError is raised if Hit reads a bad
 ||\CHitRepresents a particle at a point in some phase space
 |\NfactoryThe hit factory module defines a number of factory classes used for generating hit objects
 | oN_builtin_hit_factory
 | |\CBuiltinHitFactoryFactory class for line by line reads of output files
 | oN_hit_factory_base
 | |\CHitFactoryBaseBase factory class for making hits
 | oN_line_factory_base
 | |\CLineFactoryBaseBase factory class for line by line reads
 | oN_maus_json_hit_factory
 | |\CMausJsonHitFactoryMausJsonHitFactory strips hits of a specified type from a json_document and returns to the user
 | oN_maus_root_hit_factory
 | |\CMausRootHitFactoryMausRootHitFactory reads hits of a specified type from a root spill
 | oN_opal_hit_factory
 | |\COpalHitFactoryFactory class for line by line reads of OPAL output files
 | \N_user_hit_factory
 |  \CUserHitFactoryFactory class for line by line reads of output files using a user-defined format
 oNHitDeprecated accessor to xboa.hit module
 \NtrackingThe tracking module holds classes related to tracking interfaces for various Monte Carlo codes
  oN_matrix_trackingShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace
  |\CMatrixTrackingClass to mimic tracking using simple, user-supplied transfer matrices Each transfer matrix M_i0 must be of type numpy.matrix, where M is defined by u_i = M_i*(u_in-v_in) + v_i and u, v are matrices with shape (1, 6) going like (x, px, y, py, t, energy)
  oN_maus_trackingShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace
  |\CMAUSTrackingProvides an interface to MAUS tracking routines for use by xboa.algorithms
  \N_tracking_baseShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace
   \CTrackingBaseBase class provides an interface to particle tracking routines for use by xboa.algorithms