Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
\NxboaXBOA - Cross-Platform Beam Optics Analysis A multiparticle tracking postprocessor library for accelerator physicists
 oNalgorithmsThe algorithms module provides algorithms for performing common accelerator physics tasks
 |oNclosed_orbitThe closed_orbit module provides algorithms for finding closed_orbits
 |oNpeak_finderAlgorithms to find peaks in potentially noisy data
 |oNsmoothingAlgorithms to clean up noisy data by averaging over nearby points
 |\NtuneThe tune module provides algorithms for finding the tune
 | \N_fft_tune
 oNbunchImplemented within this module:
 |\NweightingThe weighting module provides algorithms for performing statistical weighting of bunches
 | oN_bounding_ellipse
 | \N_voronoi_weighting
 oNcommonCommon module defines common utility data and functions that are used elsewhere
 oNCommonDeprecated accessor to xboa.common module
 oNexamplesA set of examples for using the xboa package
 |oNclosed_orbitExample code to find a closed orbit
 |oNExample_1Example code to read a file and perform some data access operations
 |oNExample_2Example code to read a file and make some plots
 |oNExample_3Example code to read a file, make some cuts and then plot
 |oNExample_4Example code to read a file, apply a transformation and plot before and after
 oNhitImplemented within this module:
 |\NfactoryThe hit factory module defines a number of factory classes used for generating hit objects
 | oN_builtin_hit_factory
 | oN_hit_factory_base
 | oN_line_factory_base
 | oN_maus_json_hit_factory
 | oN_maus_root_hit_factory
 | oN_opal_hit_factory
 | \N_user_hit_factory
 oNHitDeprecated accessor to xboa.hit module
 \NtrackingThe tracking module holds classes related to tracking interfaces for various Monte Carlo codes
  oN_matrix_trackingShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace
  oN_maus_trackingShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace
  \N_tracking_baseShould be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace