Load referential information from file header

The option Referential => Load information from file header extract information about referentials and transformations that is stored in the image files. Indeed, some formats like Analyze and Nifti enable to store this kind of information. Theses transformations are not applied automatically by anatomist by default, but it is possible to change that in Settings => Preferences => Volume.

Fusion between an anatomical volume and an activation map

Figure 4.5. Fusion between an activation map and a T1 MRI

Fusion between an activation map and a T1 MRI

Note about SPM2: it can use a .mat file to store the origin information, so the information in the regular Analyze header is not always reliable. Anatomist cannot read .mat (matlab) files, but .trm files. To convert the .mat file to .trm, and then load a transformation.

Note about SPM5: In this example, the 2 images contain information about the transformation to a common referential Talairach-MNI template-SPM. Be careful, this information is not in all images and the destination referential is not always the same. SPM5 for example, doesn't always set this normalized MNI template referential as the destination referential when it normalizes an image. In this case, Anatomist creates to different destination referential. To indicate that these referentials are equal, you can put an identity transformation between the 2 referentials: draw a line with the mouse between the 2 referentials while pressing Ctrl key.