Chapter 4. Handling referentials and transformations

Table of Contents

Load a transformation
Load an existent referential
Load referential information from file header
Manual registration with the transformation control
Radiological/neurological convention and usage of aimsrc configuration

In the previous examples, data came from one subject and one modality, so all images were in the same referential. With data from different subjects and modalities, it is more complicated, we have to take care about the different referentials. See Anatomist manual and a presentation about for details about referentials management.

Load a transformation

Visualization of the anatomical MRI of 2 subjects in a common referential (Talairach AC/PC-Anatomist)

  • Load

    • subject01 T1 MRI: data_for_anatomist/subject01/subject01.nii
    • subject02 T1 MRI: data_for_anatomist/subject02/subject02.ima

  • Fusion the 2 images. Notice that they are not well superimposed because they are not in the same referential.

Figure 4.1. Fusion between anatomical MRI of 2 subjects

Fusion between anatomical MRI of 2 subjects
  • Right-click on each image then Referential => Load => New.

  • Open the referentials window: Windows => Referential windows.

  • Draw a line with the mouse from the referential of subject01 to the red referential named Talairach AC/PC-Anatomist and choose the tranformation file: data_for_anatomist/subject01/RawT1-subject01_default_acquisition_TO_Talairach-ACPC.trm

  • Draw a line with the mouse from the referential of subject02 to the red referential named Talairach AC/PC-Anatomist and choose the tranformation file: data_for_anatomist/subject02/RawT1-subject02_200810_TO_Talairach-ACPC.trm

  • Return to the window that displays the fusion and click on the menu Scene => Focus view on objects.

  • Now, the display of the 2 images must be consistent.

Figure 4.2. Anatomical MRI of 2 subjects in a common referential

Anatomical MRI of 2 subjects in a common referential

See corresponding python script.