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Files patterns


Defined in file: brainvisa/types/builtin.py

Used in the following processes

10 Converting freesurfer labels to Aims tex format.
13 Converting gifti textures to Aims texture format.
2D Geodesic Primal Sketch
2D Geodesic Texture Smoothing
2D Parcellation to 3D parcellation
Anatomist Extract Texture
Anatomist Fusion 3D/mesh
Anatomist Show Cortical Constraints Texture
Anatomist Show Gyri Texture
Anatomist Show Inflated White Mesh
Anatomist Show Primal Blobs
Anatomist Show Sulci Texture
Anatomist Show Texture
Anatomist Show White Mesh Curvature
Anatomist Show White Mesh Depth
Average Functional information in Gyri
Average Sulci
Brainvisa to Gifti
Build a Model from a set of subjects
Cingular Pole From Manual Drawing
Cingular Pole Projection
Concatenate textures
Concatenate textures in one time-texture
Constraint Cleaner Left hemisphere
Constraint Cleaner Right hemisphere
Converting freesurfer labels to aims textures.
Coordinate Grid Mesh
Coordinates From HipHop Mapping
Copy data between databases
Copy Referential
Cortical Surface Parcellation from HipHop
Create Cortical Constraints Texture
Create Cortical Thickness Texture
Create Left Hemisphere Cortical Constraints Texture
Create Right Hemisphere Cortical Constraints Texture
Create Spherical Mesh Coordinates Textures
Create Surface-Based Functional Data (Projection of fMRI Data onto the Cortical Surface)
Freesurfer data textures viewer
Freesurfer gyri viewer
Freesurfer inflated data viewer
Freesurfer resampled data textures viewer
Freesurfer resampled gyri viewer
Freesurfer resampled gyri viewer for both hemispheres
Get Functional Signals in Gyrus
Gifti to Brainvisa
Gyral Parcellation
Harmonic Intrinsic Parameterization (HIP)
Harmonic Intrinsic Parameterization right hemisphere
Harmonic Orthogonal Parameterization (HOP)
Inflate Cortical Surface
Insular Pole From Manual Drawing
Insular Pole Projection
Left Cingular Pole Projection
Left Cortical Surface Gyri Regularization
Left Cortical Surface Parcellation
Meshes inflate
New Referential
Parameterize Left hemisphere
Parameterize Right hemisphere
Project Texture Onto Atlas
Project Texture Onto Atlas From Sphere
Projection using Convolution Kernels
Random Effect
Remesh To Atlas
Resample label textures.
Resampling freesurfer data textures.
Right Cingular Pole Projection
Right Cortical Surface Gyri Regularization
Right Cortical Surface Parcellation
Right Insular Pole Projection
Send Texture To Atlas
Spherical mesh from HIP-HOP parameterization coordinates
Sulcal Lines Extraction
Sulcal Lines Extraction Left
Sulcal Lines Extraction Right
Sulcal Parcellation
Sulcus Parameterization
Surface MultiActivations Viewer
Surfacic SPAM
Texture Linear Combination
Texture Mathematic Morphology
Texture Regularization
Texture Thresholding
Texture to Flat Mesh
Texture Value By Click
uncompress any disk item
White Mesh Curvature Estimation
White Mesh Curvature Map
White Mesh Depth Map

Associated types

Any Type
Blob White Curvature Texture
Constraints texture
Coordinate Texture
Cortical thickness
Functional Time Texture
Gyri White Texture
Hemisphere parcellation texture
hemisphere Sulcal Lines Rectangular Flat texture
hemisphere Sulcal Lines texture
Hippocampus pole texture
Insula pole texture
Latitude coordinate texture
Left hemisphere gyri parcellation texture
Left hemisphere latitude cleaned constraints texture
Left hemisphere latitude constraints texture
Left hemisphere latitude texture
Left hemisphere longitude cleaned constraints texture
Left hemisphere longitude constraints texture
Left hemisphere longitude texture
Left hemisphere regularized parcellation texture
Left hemisphere Sulcal Lines texture
Left hippocampus pole texture
Left poles texture
Longitude coordinate texture
Rectangular boundary texture
Rectangular flat indices texture
Right hemisphere gyri parcellation texture
Right hemisphere latitude cleaned constraints texture
Right hemisphere latitude constraints texture
Right hemisphere latitude texture
Right hemisphere longitude cleaned constraints texture
Right hemisphere longitude constraints texture
Right hemisphere longitude texture
Right hemisphere regularized parcellation texture
Right hemisphere Sulcal Lines texture
Right hippocampus pole texture
Right insula pole texture
Right poles texture
Scale Space White Curvature Texture
Sulci White Texture
Sulci White Texture Patch
Sulcus x coordinate texture
Sulcus y coordinate texture
White Curvature Texture
White Depth Texture