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geom.c, geom2.c, random.c -- geometric and floating point routines

Geometrically, a vertex is a point with d coordinates and a facet is a halfspace. A halfspace is defined by an oriented hyperplane through the facet's vertices. A hyperplane is defined by d normalized coefficients and an offset. A point is above a facet if its distance to the facet is positive.

Qhull uses floating point coordinates for input points, vertices, halfspace equations, centrums, and an interior point.

Qhull may be configured for single precision or double precision floating point arithmetic (see realT ).

Each floating point operation may incur round-off error (see Merge). The maximum error for distance computations is determined at initialization. The roundoff error in halfspace computation is accounted for by computing the distance from vertices to the halfspace.

Copyright © 1995-2015 C.B. Barber

» Geom GlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

Index to geom.c, geom2.c, geom.h, random.c, random.h

»geometric data types and constants

»mathematical macros

»mathematical functions

»computational geometry functions

»point array functions

»geometric facet functions

»geometric roundoff functions

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To: Qhull functions, macros, and data structures
To: GeomGlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

The Geometry Center Home Page

Comments to: qhull@qhull.org
Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top