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libqhull.c -- top-level functions and basic data types

Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. The Quickhull algorithm combines two well-known algorithms: the 2-d quickhull algorithm and the n-d beneath-beyond algorithm. See Description of Qhull.

This section provides an index to the top-level functions and base data types. The top-level header file, libqhull.h, contains prototypes for these functions.

Copyright © 1995-2015 C.B. Barber

» Geom GlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

Index to libqhull.c, libqhull.h, and unix.c

»libqhull.h and unix.c data types and constants

»libqhull.h other macros

»Quickhull routines in call order

»Top-level routines for initializing and terminating Qhull (in other modules)

»Top-level routines for reading and modifying the input (in other modules)

»Top-level routines for calling Qhull (in other modules)

»Top-level routines for returning results (in other modules)

»Top-level routines for testing and debugging (in other modules)

Up: Home page for Qhull
Up: Qhull manual: Table of Contents
Up: ProgramsOptionsOutputFormatsGeomviewPrintQhullPrecisionTraceFunctions
Up: Qhull code: Table of Contents
To: Qhull functions, macros, and data structures
To: GeomGlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

The Geometry Center Home Page

Comments to: qhull@qhull.org
Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top