Index of Warnings | ||
(N) Negative pixel values encountered | omprep::Errors | |
- allBackvValuesAreNull | elcplot::Errors | |
- backgroundNotSubtracted | elcplot::Errors | |
- badKeyword | elcplot::Errors | |
- badLabelsLowerTime | elcplot::Errors | |
- badLabelsUpperTime | elcplot::Errors | |
- badPgplotDevice | elcplot::Errors | |
- checkOffsetUnit | elcplot::Errors | |
- fileWillBeClobbered | elcplot::Errors | |
- getXmmDate13 | elcplot::Errors | |
- newPgplotDevice | elcplot::Errors | |
- noContentKeyword | elcplot::Errors | |
- noKeyword | elcplot::Errors | |
- noTstartKeyword | elcplot::Errors | |
- noTstopKeyword | elcplot::Errors | |
- rebinningSchemeAltered | elcplot::Errors | |
< | hkauxplot::Errors | ingestsrcnames::Errors | makethumbs::Errors | omatt::Errors | ommosaic::Errors | |
addOffsets10 | emevents::Errors | |
adjustTimetag10 | emframes::Errors | |
allFramesBad | rgsframes::Errors | |
allFramesTooManyPixels | rgsframes::Errors | |
allFramesTooRapidPixels | rgsframes::Errors | |
allFramesTooShort | rgsframes::Errors | |
allIntegerRadiiAreZero | slconv::Errors | |
allSourcesTooFar | eoptloadmask::Errors | |
Already existing output file overwritten | especplot::Errors | |
alreadyCorrected | catcorr::Errors | |
AlreadyGrouped | specgroup::Errors | |
AttitudeHistoryFileExists | odffix::Errors | |
AttributeNaN | dal::Errors | |
Average counts per bin less than 1 | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
Background rates and region files have different EXP_IDs | omlcbuild::Errors | |
Background subtracted rate has negative values | omlcbuild::Errors | |
badAbortFlagAllFrames | rgsframes::Errors | |
BadAhfAttitude | atthkgen::Errors | |
BadAhfOmAttitude | atthkgen::Errors | |
badBadpixfindFile | badpix::Errors | |
badBrightnessRange | implot::Errors | |
badEnergyThresholds | badpixfind::Errors | |
badEvent | epevents::Errors | |
badexposure | emchain::Errors | |
BadHistoLimits | evselect::Errors | |
BadImgLimits | evselect::Errors | |
badinstrument | emchain::Errors | |
BadModePatternCombination | arfgen::Errors | |
badNdppAllFrames | rgsframes::Errors | |
BadOmAttitude | atthkgen::Errors | |
BadPixDiscrepancy | rgsbadpix::Errors | |
BadPixDuplicates | rgsbadpix::Errors | |
BadPixIncorrect | rgsbadpix::Errors | |
BadPixNonsense | rgsbadpix::Errors | |
badPntValues | attcalc::Errors | |
badPrimeRate | rgssources::Errors | |
BadRateLimits | evselect::Errors | |
BadSpecLimits | evselect::Errors | |
badstring | emchain::Errors | |
badTimestep | orbit::Errors | |
badXYNull | evproject::Errors | |
Binning_Factor must be positive | omthlcplot::Errors | |
Binning_Factor must be positive, set to default value : 1 | elcplot::Errors | |
BinVsFrameTime | evselect::Errors | |
binWidthTooSmall | esources::Errors | |
BitVol | dsslib::Errors | |
Block RATE does not exist in the background rates file | omlcbuild::Errors | |
Block RATE does not exist in the source rates file | omlcbuild::Errors | |
BPTcode | badpix::Errors | epframes::Errors | |
BufferOverflow | emldetect::Errors | |
CalibrationScopeIgnored | rgsoffsetcalc::Errors | |
CCDlowGain | epevents::Errors | epframes::Errors | |
CCDs Count Difference | epiclccorr::Errors | |
CCDselectedInvalid | hkauxplot::Errors | |
CCFLog | psfgen::Errors | |
changedMode | epframes::Errors | |
checkOffsets10 | emevents::Errors | |
checkOffsets11 | emevents::Errors | |
checkRejected10 | emevents::Errors | |
checkValid14 | emevents::Errors | |
code | eimsimbatch::Errors | eimsimprep::Errors | |
colExist | omsrclistcomb::Errors | |
ColNotPlottable | hkauxplot::Errors | |
ColumnNotFound | emask::Errors | |
confSetAllZeroRate | rgssources::Errors | |
CONTENT parameter for input file is ... | ekstest::Errors | |
CONTENT parameter for input file is .... | elcplot::Errors | |
contourSeparationTooLarge | implot::Errors | |
convertToDouble | fitsstat::Errors | |
coordError | ewavelet::Errors | |
copyCcdExtension10 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
copyCcdExtension12 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
copyData10 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
copyData11 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
Corrected spectrum may be wrong | backcorr::Errors | |
corruptedAUX1 | epframes::Errors | |
Could not find any compatible blocks in set | omgrism::Errors | |
Count rate errors negative | elcplot::Errors | |
Count rate negative | elcplot::Errors | |
crDead10 | emframes::Errors | |
createOutput10 | emframes::Errors | |
creatorKeywordNotFound | dal::Errors | |
Data points to plot must not exceed 500 | omthlcplot::Errors | |
DatasetIgnored | rgsoffsetcalc::Errors | |
DatasetRejected | rgsoffsetcalc::Errors | |
DatatypeNotSTDGTI | hkauxplot::Errors | |
date2000 | epframes::Errors | |
dateKeywordNotFound | dal::Errors | |
deAllocError | omcosflag::Errors | omflatfield::Errors | ommodmap::Errors | |
DECL of OM boresight | omgprep::Errors | |
DefaultDuration | odffix::Errors | |
DefaultPointing | odffix::Errors | |
detmapXboundsExceeded | arfgen::Errors | |
detmapYboundsExceeded | arfgen::Errors | |
DETSEC keyword missing | omgprep::Errors | |
diffCoord | ewavelet::Errors | |
doubleWindowTiming | epframes::Errors | |
DssBlockClash | dsslib::Errors | |
DssFitsWrite | dsslib::Errors | |
DSStypeTruncate | dsslib::Errors | |
duplicateLabel | rgssources::Errors | |
duplicateTableName | dal::Errors | |
dynamicRangeTooLarge | asmooth::Errors | |
ebadpixupdate11 | ebadpixupdate::Errors | |
EEoutofBounds | arfgen::Errors | |
EmptyGtiTable | gtimerge::Errors | |
EmptyHistogram | inthist::Errors | |
emptyHKrange | epframes::Errors | |
emptyInputSet | srcmatch::Errors | |
emptyRegion | rgsregions::Errors | |
EmptySourceList | emldetect::Errors | |
EmptyTable | emask::Errors | |
EndDefault | orbit::Errors | |
EndGTorbit | orbit::Errors | |
EndZero | orbit::Errors | |
EnergyOutsideValidityRange | arfgen::Errors | |
Environment variable warning,This tasks resets the SAS_CCF environment variable | rgssuperrmf::Errors | |
equalKeywords11 | emsaplib::Errors | |
equalKeywords12 | emsaplib::Errors | |
equalKeywords13 | emsaplib::Errors | |
equalKeywords14 | emsaplib::Errors | |
equalKeywords15 | emsaplib::Errors | |
EventOverlap | rgsevents::Errors | |
eventsLostAllFrames | rgsframes::Errors | |
eventsNoAUX | epframes::Errors | |
EventsNotRandomized | epiclccorr::Errors | |
eventsOutOfOrder | badpixfind::Errors | |
eventsOutOfWindow | badpixfind::Errors | |
evflagImage11 | ebadpixupdate::Errors | |
evflagImage12 | ebadpixupdate::Errors | |
evflagImage13 | ebadpixupdate::Errors | emenergy::Errors | |
evflagTime13 | emenergy::Errors | |
evselectFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
ExpBadCcdComp | evselect::Errors | |
ExpBadCcdType | evselect::Errors | |
ExpBadDss | evselect::Errors | |
ExpBadGlobalComp | evselect::Errors | |
ExpBadTimeComp | evselect::Errors | |
ExpBadTimeType | evselect::Errors | |
expIdStrClash | rgssources::Errors | |
expMapNotFound | colimchain::Errors | |
ExpMultiCcdFilters | evselect::Errors | |
ExpNoDss | evselect::Errors | |
Exposure time is zero- calculating it from the summary file | omprep::Errors | |
Exposure time less than 0 | elcplot::Errors | |
EXPOSUTableSelected | barycen::Errors | earthbarycen::Errors | |
ExtraFiltering | rgsproc::Errors | |
Failed to delete temporary file | rgsimplot::Errors | |
Failed to release memory | omdrifthist::Errors | |
Failed to release memory for : name | omsrclistcomb::Errors | |
Failed to release memory for: name | omphotom::Errors | omvariability::Errors | |
Failed to release memory for: name | ompsfprofile::Errors | |
Failed to release memory for: name | ombackground::Errors | omdetect::Errors | |
fileExists | makethumbs::Errors | |
FileMismatch | emldetect::Errors | |
Filename parameter | rgscombine::Errors | rgssuperrmf::Errors | |
FileNotFound: name | ompsfprofile::Errors | |
filesNonCompatible | merge::Errors | |
fileTimeOverlap | merge::Errors | |
FILTERwrong | epframes::Errors | |
findBestTime12 | emevents::Errors | |
findRealSources | badpixfind::Errors | |
fitIsDiverging | bkgfit::Errors | |
flagHk10 | emframes::Errors | |
fractionalCoverage | rgsregions::Errors | |
frameCTI | epevents::Errors | |
frames10 | emframes::Errors | |
frames11 | emframes::Errors | |
frames12 | emframes::Errors | |
frames13 | emframes::Errors | |
frames14 | emframes::Errors | |
frames15 | emframes::Errors | |
frames16 | emframes::Errors | |
frames17 | emframes::Errors | |
FrameTimeBiggerThanPeriod | evselect::Errors | |
FreqShiftLarge | epframes::Errors | |
getCalBadpix10 | embadpixfind::Errors | |
getCcd10 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd11 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd12 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd13 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd14 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd15 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd16 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd17 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getCcd18 | emsaplib::Errors | |
getGoodFiles10 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
getNvalid10 | emevents::Errors | |
getNvalid11 | emevents::Errors | |
getOffsets10 | emdiag::Errors | |
getOffsets12 | emdiag::Errors | |
getParamValues10 | emevents::Errors | emframes::Errors | |
getParamValues11 | emevents::Errors | |
getparamvalues12 | emenergy::Errors | |
getparamvalues13 | emenergy::Errors | |
getParamValues15 | emframes::Errors | |
getParamValues17 | emevents::Errors | |
getParamValues18 | emevents::Errors | |
getparamvalues19 | emenergy::Errors | |
getparamvalues20 | emenergy::Errors | |
getParamValues21 | emevents::Errors | |
getparamvalues22 | emenergy::Errors | |
getparamvalues26 | emenergy::Errors | |
getXmmDate13 | emevents::Errors | |
giftopngFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
grade1ser0 | rgsframes::Errors | |
GTI Extension name selected does not exist. | hkauxplot::Errors | |
GtiDataSetEmpty | hkgtigen::Errors | |
GTINotWithTimeX | hkauxplot::Errors | |
HDUCLAS is not equal to OGIP | ekstest::Errors | |
HDUCLAS1 is not equal to LIGHTCURVE | ekstest::Errors | |
HDUCLAS2 is not equal to TOTAL | ekstest::Errors | |
High value of the source rate | omlcbuild::Errors | |
HistoColumnName | evselect::Errors | |
HKoffsetmap | epframes::Errors | |
HousekeepingParameterMissing | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
htrAllFramesTooShort | rgsframes::Errors | |
HTRAUXCCDID | rgsframes::Errors | |
HTRDataError | rgsframes::Errors | |
htrEventsLostAllFrames | rgsframes::Errors | |
ibinUnexpectedlyLarge | catcorr::Errors | |
IllegalColumnAttributeName | dal::Errors | |
illegalODF | epframes::Errors | |
IllegalTableAttributeName | dal::Errors | |
incompatibleLowerChannelBounds | rmfgen::Errors | |
incompleteLikelyODF | rgssources::Errors | |
InconsistentCalibrationMode | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
InconsistentDataMode | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
InconsistentTimeRange | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
initSifluor11 | emevents::Errors | |
Input background rates table is empty | omlcbuild::Errors | |
Input spectrum may be wrong | backcorr::Errors | |
instIdClash | rgssources::Errors | |
instrumentClash | rgssources::Errors | |
insuffData | omatt::Errors | |
insufficientData | badpixfind::Errors | |
IntermediateEventListsNotRemoved | emproc::Errors | epproc::Errors | |
inTestMode | colimchain::Errors | |
Invalid BINBPE value for file name | omcomb::Errors | |
Invalid binning size | especplot::Errors | |
Invalid WINDOWDY value (x) for file name | omcomb::Errors | |
InvalidCCDNR | psfgen::Errors | |
invalidCCFChannels | rmfgen::Errors | |
InvalidCcfConstituent | cifbuild::Errors | |
invalidColumnName | statsget::Errors | |
InvalidCoordinates | rgsbadpix::Errors | rgsevents::Errors | |
invalidDateObs | catcorr::Errors | |
invalidDateString | odffix::Errors | |
invalidDec | eposcorr::Errors | |
InvalidExposureMap | rgsspectrum::Errors | |
invalidLikelihood | eposcorr::Errors | |
invalidMap | rgsrmfgen::Errors | |
InvalidPA | psfgen::Errors | |
InvalidPosWCSInfo | arfgen::Errors | ecoordconv::Errors | eradial::Errors | eregionanalyse::Errors | psfgen::Errors | |
InvalidRegionInfo | psfgen::Errors | |
InvalidUserMode | epatplot::Errors | |
invalidWCS | srcdisplay::Errors | |
isnotEPN | epatplot::Errors | |
Keyword CONTENT missing in Input File | ekstest::Errors | |
Keyword EXPOSURE missing in Input File | ekstest::Errors | |
Keyword HDUCLAS2 missing | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
Keyword HDUCLASS missing in Input File | ekstest::Errors | |
Keyword TCUNI1 missing | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
Keyword TSTART missing in GTI File | ekstest::Errors | |
Keyword TSTART missing in Input | ekstest::Errors | |
Keyword TSTOP missing in GTI File | ekstest::Errors | |
Keywords are missing from the input file | omgrismplot::Errors | omthlcplot::Errors | |
KeywordTooLong | dal::Errors | |
label | eimsim::Errors | eimsimreduce::Errors | emosaic_prep::Errors | epspatialcti::Errors | esas::Errors | htrframes::Errors | imweightadd::Errors | rgsfluxmodel::Errors | rudi5mosaic::Errors | rudiframetime::Errors | |
largePointingOffset | merge::Errors | |
LessThanZeroPtPerPg | hkauxplot::Errors | |
LongObservation | odffix::Errors | |
lostExposure | rgsfilter::Errors | |
lowestBinsHaveBestSN | bkgoptrate::Errors | |
lowExposure | badpixfind::Errors | |
lowGain | emchain::Errors | |
LowMemory | emosaicproc::Errors | |
lowMod8Noise | ommodmap::Errors | |
makeGti13 | emframes::Errors | |
Mandatory keywords are missing from the input file | lcplot::Errors | |
mangledIdInstBandColumn | rgssources::Errors | |
mangledIdInstColumn | rgssources::Errors | |
MaxDataRange | evselect::Errors | |
MaxFracShortExceeded | attfilter::Errors | |
maxIterationsExceeded | bkgfit::Errors | |
MaxParamRange | evselect::Errors | |
MergeGeneralWarning | merge::Errors | |
MinParamRange | evselect::Errors | |
MIPrejection | epframes::Errors | |
misFrame | epframes::Errors | |
misHKcolumn | epframes::Errors | |
MissingAttribute | cifbuild::Errors | eboxdetect::Errors | eexpmap::Errors | emask::Errors | emldetect::Errors | esensmap::Errors | |
missingBlockName | gtialign::Errors | |
MissingData | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
missingDeltaT | rgsframes::Errors | |
missingFilter | epreject::Errors | eprejectti::Errors | |
MissingFrames | rgsbadpix::Errors | rgsevents::Errors | |
missingIPPV | epframes::Errors | |
MissingOdfComponent | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
MoreThan20Cols | hkauxplot::Errors | |
MultipleODF | odffix::Errors | |
MultipleSourcesFound | om2pha::Errors | |
mustLimitInterpolation | colsmooth::Errors | |
nbins must be a power of two lower than NBINLC (the number of bins in the light curve) | efftplot::Errors | |
Negative Count-Rate | ommag::Errors | |
negativeDetmapPixel | arfgen::Errors | |
NegativeDuration | odffix::Errors | |
negativeLowerCutoffY | bkgoptrate::Errors | |
NegativeSourceCounts | epicbscalgen::Errors | |
negativeValuesInOutput | asmooth::Errors | |
negativeValuesInVarianceOutput | asmooth::Errors | |
NegBackscale | arfgen::Errors | |
NewHousekeepingValue | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
No good tracking-history frames found- | omdrifthist::Errors | |
No profiles were computed | ompsfprofile::Errors | |
No valid data points | lcplot::Errors | |
noAtthkgenFile | attcalc::Errors | |
NoAttrib | evselect::Errors | |
noAUX1forCCD | epframes::Errors | |
noAUX2forCCD | epframes::Errors | |
NoBadPix | eexpmap::Errors | |
NoBadPixLocations | arfgen::Errors | |
noBandEnergy | region::Errors | |
noBmagnColumn | eposcorr::Errors | |
NoBoxSizePresent | srcdisplay::Errors | |
noBrightPrime | rgssources::Errors | |
noCat | omatt::Errors | |
NoCCDcolumn | evselect::Errors | |
noCCDnr | epatplot::Errors | |
noChangePrime | rgssources::Errors | |
noColumn | merge::Errors | |
NoDatatypeAttrib | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noDATE-END | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noDATE-OBS | hkauxplot::Errors | |
NoDSSPatterns | rmfgen::Errors | |
noDURATION | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noEp1MlIdCol | esources::Errors | |
noEpicSources | rgssources::Errors | |
noEpicSourcesInFov | rgssources::Errors | |
NoEventListsToMerge | emproc::Errors | epproc::Errors | |
noEvents | attcalc::Errors | evproject::Errors | |
noEVENTSextension | emtaglenoise::Errors | |
NoEvlist | edetect_chain::Errors | |
noEXP_ID | hkauxplot::Errors | |
NoExpEmpty | evselect::Errors | |
noExpMap | ewavelet::Errors | |
NoExpoExt | eexpmap::Errors | |
NoExposure | specadd::Errors | |
noExposureMerge | merge::Errors | |
noExtension | merge::Errors | |
NoFilt | eexpmap::Errors | |
NoFilteredEvents | evselect::Errors | rgslccorr::Errors | |
noFitsBananaImage | rgsprods::Errors | |
noFitsDetImage | rgsprods::Errors | |
noFlag | epatplot::Errors | |
NoFrameTimeKeywordFound | evselect::Errors | |
noGainTemperature | epevents::Errors | |
noGifBananaImage | rgsprods::Errors | |
noGifDetImage | rgsprods::Errors | |
noGoodPixsFound | badpixfind::Errors | |
noGTI | eexpmap::Errors | |
noGTIMerge | merge::Errors | |
NoGTIs | efftplot::Errors | |
noIN_FOV | emchain::Errors | |
NoInputEvents | evselect::Errors | |
noINSTRUME | hkauxplot::Errors | |
NoInstrument | ecoordconv::Errors | eradial::Errors | eregionanalyse::Errors | |
NoisyEventsEmpty | epnoise::Errors | |
noMatch | ewavelet::Errors | |
NoMatchingCcfConstituent | cifremove::Errors | |
NoMatchingCcfConstituents | cifbuild::Errors | |
noMatchingSources | srcmatch::Errors | |
noMatchingSrc | ingestsrcnames::Errors | |
NoMergeGroup | specgroup::Errors | |
noMJDREF | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noMod8Noise | ommodmap::Errors | |
Non of the images are astrometry-corrected | ommosaic::Errors | |
noNGAUX | epframes::Errors | |
NonStandardPatterns | arfgen::Errors | |
nonUniqueIdBand | region::Errors | |
noOBJECT | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noOBS_ID | hkauxplot::Errors | |
NoOdfArrayName | rgsoffsetcalc::Errors | |
NoOffset | eexpmap::Errors | |
noOMExposurePair | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
NoOutput | evselect::Errors | |
NoPIInfoInDss | epiclccorr::Errors | |
noPNAUX1 | epframes::Errors | |
noPNAUX2 | epframes::Errors | |
noPNPAH1 | epframes::Errors | |
noPNPMH1 | epframes::Errors | |
noPntAttributes | attcalc::Errors | |
noPointing | rgsangles::Errors | |
NoPosnErrorsPresent | srcdisplay::Errors | |
NoPPSVersion | arfgen::Errors | |
NoProductExp | evselect::Errors | |
noRaDcPnt | eposcorr::Errors | |
noRAWX | epatplot::Errors | |
noRAWY | epatplot::Errors | |
NoRGSExposure | evselect::Errors | |
noRmagnColumn | eposcorr::Errors | |
noSignal | epatplot::Errors | |
noSignificantBin | bkgoptrate::Errors | |
noSources | ewavelet::Errors | slconv::Errors | |
noSourcesSelected | eoptloadmask::Errors | |
NoSrcTable | ingestsrcnames::Errors | |
NoSTARTSTOPCols | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noSTDGTIextension | emtaglenoise::Errors | |
NoSubMode | eexpmap::Errors | |
NoSuchAttribute | barycen::Errors | earthbarycen::Errors | |
NoSuchHKFile | hkgtigen::Errors | |
Not enough bins to process variability tests | ekstest::Errors | |
NoTargetLivetime | evselect::Errors | |
NoTargetOntime | evselect::Errors | |
NotELLBETA | eregionanalyse::Errors | |
NotEnoughBins | efftplot::Errors | |
NotExpMap | inthist::Errors | |
NothingRequested | rgsspectrum::Errors | |
notHKconstant | epframes::Errors | |
NotImage | inthist::Errors | |
noTimeColumn | merge::Errors | |
notInFov | esky2det::Errors | |
notInODF | epchain::Errors | |
notOnChip | esky2det::Errors | |
noTSTART | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noTSTARTGTI | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noTSTOP | hkauxplot::Errors | |
noTSTOPGTI | hkauxplot::Errors | |
NotUseCatnameInSrcList | makethumbs::Errors | |
NotUseDetidInSrcList | makethumbs::Errors | |
notUsefulModeOOTE | epevents::Errors | |
notUsefulModeRDCTI | epevents::Errors | |
NotXMM | evselect::Errors | |
NotXmmProduct | evselect::Errors | |
NotXmmSpectrum | evselect::Errors | |
NoUnit | eposcorr::Errors | |
noValidEpicSources | rgssources::Errors | |
NoWCS | evarimgen::Errors | evselect::Errors | |
noXYColumns | merge::Errors | |
Null or negative exposure time in Input File | ekstest::Errors | |
NullExpos1 | flspec::Errors | |
NullExposDs | flspec::Errors | |
NullSpec | flspec::Errors | |
NullSpecNeg | flspec::Errors | |
NullSpecPos | flspec::Errors | |
NullValues | eexpmap::Errors | |
Number of data points to plot is higher than 500 | lcplot::Errors | omgrismplot::Errors | |
NumGTI | eexpmap::Errors | |
OffaxisAngleOutsideValidityRange | arfgen::Errors | |
OffsetMap | epframes::Errors | |
offsetXTooBig | imrebin::Errors | |
offsetYTooBig | imrebin::Errors | |
OMPriorityWindowDataFileExists | odffix::Errors | |
OMTrackingHistoryDataFileExists | odffix::Errors | |
onlyOneConvolver | asmooth::Errors | |
openEventsIn12 | emevents::Errors | |
openEventsIn14 | emevents::Errors | |
OutfileExistsOverwriting | hkauxplot::Errors | |
outMaskTooNarrow | asmooth::Errors | |
outOfImageRange | attcalc::Errors | evproject::Errors | |
Output file exists | ommergelists::Errors | |
outsideFOV | rgssources::Errors | |
OutsideFrames | gtialign::Errors | |
overflowDetected | dal::Errors | |
overwriteBadpix | badpix::Errors | |
PHAoffset | epframes::Errors | |
PlotSpanPages | hkauxplot::Errors | |
PNTimingRand | epiclccorr::Errors | |
PossibleInconsistentCalibration | cifbuild::Errors | |
PossibleSourceConfusion | epicbscalgen::Errors | |
primeAtDefault | rgssources::Errors | |
primeAtIndexDefault | rgssources::Errors | |
primeAtLabelDefault | rgssources::Errors | |
primeIndexNotFound | rgssources::Errors | |
primeLabelNotFound | rgssources::Errors | |
primeOutsideFOV | rgssources::Errors | |
protectedRegion | rgsregions::Errors | |
protonflare | emchain::Errors | |
pstopdfFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
putGatti10 | emframes::Errors | |
putGatti11 | emframes::Errors | |
putGatti12 | emframes::Errors | |
putGatti14 | emframes::Errors | |
putPrimaryKeywords10 | emsaplib::Errors | |
putXY10 | emevents::Errors | |
RA of OM boresight | omgprep::Errors | |
radiiAllEqual | slconv::Errors | |
RangeVol | dsslib::Errors | |
RateEnergy | evselect::Errors | |
read2Frames10 | emevents::Errors | |
readBadpix15 | emevents::Errors | |
readBkg12 | emenergy::Errors | |
readEvents10 | emframes::Errors | |
readFrames10 | emevents::Errors | |
readFrames11 | emevents::Errors | |
readFrames12 | emevents::Errors | |
readFrames14 | emevents::Errors | |
readFrames15 | emevents::Errors | |
readFrames18 | emevents::Errors | |
readListParam10 | emsaplib::Errors | |
readmap10 | emdiag::Errors | |
readmap11 | emdiag::Errors | |
readmap12 | emdiag::Errors | |
reanalyze13 | emevents::Errors | |
reanalyze15 | emevents::Errors | |
Rebin requested to be less than 1 | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
Rebinning results in less than 5 bins | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
rebintype is negative and outside the allowed range. | efftplot::Errors | |
rebintype is positive but not an integer | efftplot::Errors | |
recommendedLowerMinTimeRatio | bkgoptrate::Errors | |
reconError | ewavelet::Errors | |
regUnbounded | arfgen::Errors | |
rejectRows11 | emevents::Errors | |
rejectRows12 | emevents::Errors | |
ReservedKeyword | dal::Errors | |
rgsimplotFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
RGSprodAttributes | evselect::Errors | |
rgsspecplotFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
RgsTimeFilter | evselect::Errors | |
rmFailed | rgsprods::Errors | |
RowNGreaterThanNrows | hkauxplot::Errors | |
samefit | espfilt::Errors | |
SAS_CCF | epchain::Errors | |
Selected Start row less than or zero. | hkauxplot::Errors | |
sigmaTooLarge | epatplot::Errors | |
singleBoresightBurst | epframes::Errors | |
singleInputSet | srcmatch::Errors | |
sizeListParam10 | emsaplib::Errors | |
SkippedExposure | rgsproc::Errors | |
SkippedSpectrum | rgsproc::Errors | |
SkippingFile: name | ompsfprofile::Errors | |
Small_Window_Mode(rgsfluxer) | rgsproc::Errors | |
smallerDimensionForSumIauname | makethumbs::Errors | |
SmallWindowMode(rgsspectrum) | rgsproc::Errors | |
Some header keywords are missing or inconsistent | efftplot::Errors | |
someIntegerRadiiAreZero | slconv::Errors | |
someRadiiAreNegative | slconv::Errors | |
someRadiiAreNulls | slconv::Errors | |
sortFiles13 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
sortFiles14 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
Source and background rates files from different exposures | omlcbuild::Errors | |
sourcesOutside | implot::Errors | |
spGatti11 | emevents::Errors | |
srcNumTooLarge | esources::Errors | |
srcpos | epframes::Errors | |
srcThetaTooLarge | region::Errors | |
Star catalogue not found -- no astrometry correction done | omatt::Errors | |
StartLTorbit | orbit::Errors | |
StartZero | orbit::Errors | |
StringColNotPlottable | hkauxplot::Errors | |
subDark10 | emenergy::Errors | |
SubProcessError | phasecalc::Errors | |
SubscriptOutOfRange | epframes::Errors | |
SubTaskError | emproc::Errors | epicproc::Errors | epproc::Errors | |
Surplus filename | rgsspecplot::Errors | |
TDBConversionImpossible | barycen::Errors | earthbarycen::Errors | |
testColKeywords12 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
testDrop12 | emframes::Errors | |
testFlagIsSet | rgsprods::Errors | |
testMode11 | evlistcomb::Errors | |
The file name will be overwritten | omqualitymap::Errors | |
The output file name is not specified | omscattered::Errors | |
The radius of the inner background region is too small (increasing) | omscattered::Errors | |
The radius of the outer background region is too small (increasing) | omscattered::Errors | |
The second file name is not specified | omscattered::Errors | |
The spectrum is badly affected by Mod-8 noise / coincidence loss | omgrism::Errors | |
The SRCLIST table in file name has zero rows- exiting | omqualitymap::Errors | |
The width of the background region is too small (increasing by 5 pixels) | omscattered::Errors | |
this is a warning | imagelib::Errors | |
thresh10 | emdiag::Errors | |
Too few guide stars for astrometry correction | omatt::Errors | |
Too small number of bins | lcplot::Errors | |
tooBigEPICAttrNum | rgssources::Errors | |
tooFewExposures | colimchain::Errors | |
tooFewObs | colimchain::Errors | |
tooLongExposure | epframes::Errors | |
tooManyColumns | merge::Errors | |
tooManyEpicBandIds | rgssources::Errors | |
tooManyPairs | catcorr::Errors | |
tooManyRows | region::Errors | |
tooManySets | srcmatch::Errors | |
tooSmallLWidth | makethumbs::Errors | |
TranslationNotAvailable | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
two sources matched in same OSW | omsrclistcomb::Errors | |
typeMismatchInAttribute | makethumbs::Errors | |
Unable to plot more than 11 fits regions in different colours | rgsimplot::Errors | |
Unable to plot the coordinates of more than 3 sources | rgsimplot::Errors | |
Unavailable device type and/or output file | efftplot::Errors | lcplot::Errors | omgrismplot::Errors | omthlcplot::Errors | |
uncertainExposure | rgssources::Errors | |
uncertainInstrument | rgssources::Errors | |
undefinedHelpVector | attcalc::Errors | eexpmap::Errors | |
Uniform flatfield | omflatfield::Errors | |
UnknownCalibrationMode | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
UnknownInstrumentMode | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
UnknownModeString | arfgen::Errors | ecoordconv::Errors | eradial::Errors | eregionanalyse::Errors | etimeget::Errors | psfgen::Errors | rmfgen::Errors | |
unMatchedGTI | merge::Errors | |
unMatchedSTDGTI | merge::Errors | |
unnamedTable | dal::Errors | |
unorderedEvlist | evarimgen::Errors | |
unreleasedData | dal::Errors | |
unsignedAccessedAsSigned | dal::Errors | |
unsupportedDataType | ewavelet::Errors | |
UnusedValidityRanges | hkgtigen::Errors | |
unusualQual | epevents::Errors | |
UseccdsNoAndConvertYes | hkauxplot::Errors | |
uselessVarianceImage | asmooth::Errors | |
UseRAF | eslewchain::Errors | |
UserOwnCCF | psfgen::Errors | |
valid10 | emframes::Errors | |
valid11 | emframes::Errors | |
veryManyClasses | epevents::Errors | |
warning1 | eimagecombine::Errors | eimageget::Errors | |
wrapAround | rgsframes::Errors | |
Wrong number of bins in the light curve table length | omlcbuild::Errors | |
wrongArfgenResults | epiclccorr::Errors | |
wrongCoord | epframes::Errors | |
wrongFC0 | epframes::Errors | |
wrongFTCoarse | epframes::Errors | |
wrongMIPcoord | epframes::Errors | |
WrongPointDir | emldetect::Errors | |
wrongRawCoords | epreject::Errors | eprejectti::Errors | |
wrongReadoutOrder | epframes::Errors | |
wrongSubMode | epreject::Errors | eprejectti::Errors | |
wrongTimeOrder | epframes::Errors | |
XlimitEpsilon | evselect::Errors | |
XRLcorrFastModeOnly | epreject::Errors | eprejectti::Errors | |
YcolNotFound | hkauxplot::Errors | |
YlimitEpsilon | evselect::Errors | |
You are combining identical images | ommosaic::Errors | |
You are combining images from the same exposure | ommosaic::Errors | |
ZeroArfgenArea | epiclccorr::Errors | |
zeroChiSquared | bkgfit::Errors | |
ZERODRFIT | omthconv::Errors | |
ZERODRIFT | omdrifthist::Errors | omflatfield::Errors | omprep::Errors | |
ZeroExposureLength | odfingest::User-level errors and warnings | |
zeroRenorm | arfgen::Errors | |
zeroSumDetmap | arfgen::Errors | |
zeroValuedFlat | omflatfield::Errors |