rgs packages | |||||
badpix | Generates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input file | ChangeLog | |||
htrframes | initialize the intermediate event lists in HTR mode | ChangeLog | |||
odfbrowser | Interactive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposures | ChangeLog | |||
rgsangles | Correct RGS event positions for spacecraft pointing | ChangeLog | |||
rgsbadpix | Constructs the RGS bad pixel tables | ChangeLog | |||
rgscombine | Combines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for each | ChangeLog | |||
rgsenergy | Performs energy calibrations on RGS telemetry | ChangeLog | |||
rgsevconvert | Converts an old-style RGS combined event list to the current format | ChangeLog | |||
rgsevents | Constructs an RGS event list | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfilter | create the filtered event list and exposure maps | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfluxer | Combines and fluxes RGS spectra | ChangeLog | |||
rgsframes | Prepares RGS data for rgsevents | ChangeLog | |||
rgslccorr | rgs light curve correction | ChangeLog | |||
rgsoffsetcalc | Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsproc | Interactive version of the RGS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
rgsprods | Perl script for the RGS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
rgsregions | Constructs RGS event selection regions | ChangeLog | |||
rgsrmfgen | Constructs an RGS response matrix file | ChangeLog | |||
rgssources | Select/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsspectrum | Extracts foreground and background spectra | ChangeLog | |||
rgssuperrmf | Calls rgmsfgen using information from multiple observations to create one response | ChangeLog | |||
specgroup | Grouping of a spectrum | ChangeLog |