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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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spatial packages

 eboxdetectSliding box EPIC source searchingpdf ChangeLog
 edetect_chainEPIC source detection scriptpdf ChangeLog
 eexpmapCreates EPIC exposure maps required by source detection taskspdf ChangeLog
 emaskCreates a mask image to be used for source searching pdf ChangeLog
 emldetectEPIC maximum likelihood multi-source point spread function fitting pdf ChangeLog
 eposcorrAdds corrected source positions to the EPIC source list by cross-correlating with optical source cataloguespdf ChangeLog
 eprejectEPIC corrects energy scale and flags low energy noise events pdf ChangeLog
 eprejecttiEPIC flags PN TI-mode low energy noise events pdf ChangeLog
 esensmapCreates an EPIC sensitivity map pdf ChangeLog
 esplinemapPerforms a spline fit of the background for EPIC source detectionpdf ChangeLog
 etruecolorThree-color coding of imagespdf ChangeLog
 evselectFilters event lists and extracts images, spectra, timeseries and histogramspdf ChangeLog
 ewaveletSource detection routine, using wavelet filtering at several scalespdf ChangeLog
 psfgenGenerate PSF from ccfpdf ChangeLog
 rgsbadpixConstructs the RGS bad pixel tablespdf ChangeLog
 rgsfiltercreate the filtered event list and exposure mapspdf ChangeLog
 rgsregionsConstructs RGS event selection regionspdf ChangeLog
 selectlibData Selection infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 srcmatchUses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source listpdf ChangeLog
 xcolorcodEPIC True Color Imagespdf ChangeLog
 xmmselectInteractive data selection and accumulation of productspdf ChangeLog

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