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spectral packages

 arfgenGenerates an ancillary response filepdf ChangeLog
 backcorrMakes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 backscaleCalculation and setting of the BACKSCAL keywordpdf ChangeLog
 ecoordconvConverts a position between coordinate systemspdf ChangeLog
 eradialExtraction of radial profile and comparison with PSFpdf ChangeLog
 eregionanalyseOptimisation of point source extraction circlepdf ChangeLog
 especgetCreation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMFpdf ChangeLog
 especplotProduces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PNpdf ChangeLog
 eupperFinds upper limit at a point in an imagepdf ChangeLog
 evselectFilters event lists and extracts images, spectra, timeseries and histogramspdf ChangeLog
 om2phaExtraction of OM filter rates into a spectral filepdf ChangeLog
 psfgenGenerate PSF from ccfpdf ChangeLog
 rgscombineCombines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for eachpdf ChangeLog
 rgsfluxerCombines and fluxes RGS spectrapdf ChangeLog
 rgsregionsConstructs RGS event selection regionspdf ChangeLog
 rgsrmfgenConstructs an RGS response matrix filepdf ChangeLog
 rgsspectrumExtracts foreground and background spectrapdf ChangeLog
 rmfgenGenerates an OGIP-compliant RMF filepdf ChangeLog
 selectlibData Selection infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 specgroupGrouping of a spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 xmmselectInteractive data selection and accumulation of productspdf ChangeLog

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