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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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timing packages

 barycenBarycentric correctionpdf ChangeLog
 earthbarycenBarycentric correction for earth-bound observerpdf ChangeLog
 efftplotComputes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series pdf ChangeLog
 elcbuildCombines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplotpdf ChangeLog
 evselectFilters event lists and extracts images, spectra, timeseries and histogramspdf ChangeLog
 heliocentriccorrHeliocentric correction pdf ChangeLog
 lcplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 omgrismplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 omthlcplotPlots all the lightcurves contained any one filepdf ChangeLog
 phasecalcGiven an ephemeris, calculate a phase column for an event table. pdf ChangeLog
 selectlibData Selection infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 xmmselectInteractive data selection and accumulation of productspdf ChangeLog

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