BranchingRule | Rule for choosing the component for branching:'maxpscost' — The fractional
component with maximum pseudocost. See Branch and Bound.
'mostfractional' — The component
whose fractional part is closest to 1/2 .
'maxfun' — The fractional
component with maximal corresponding component in the absolute value
of objective vector f .
| 'maxpscost' |
CutGeneration | Level of cut generation (see Cut Generation):'none' — No cuts. Makes CutGenMaxIter irrelevant.
'basic' — Normal cut generation.
'intermediate' — Use more
cut types.
'advanced' — Use most cut
| 'basic' |
CutGenMaxIter | Number of passes through all cut generation methods before
entering the branch-and-bound phase, an integer from 1 through 50 .
Disable cut generation by setting the CutGeneration option
to 'none' . | 10 |
Display | Level of display (see Iterative Display):'off' or 'none' —
No iterative display
'final' — Show final values
'iter' — Show iterative
| 'iter' |
Heuristics | Algorithm for searching for feasible points (see Heuristics for Finding Feasible Solutions): | 'rss' |
HeuristicsMaxNodes | Strictly positive integer that bounds the number of nodes intlinprog can
explore in its branch-and-bound search for feasible points. See Heuristics for Finding Feasible Solutions. | 50 |
IPPreprocess | Types of integer preprocessing (see Mixed-Integer Program Preprocessing):'none' — Use very few integer
preprocessing steps.
'basic' — Use a moderate
number of integer preprocessing steps.
'advanced' — Use all available
integer preprocessing steps.
| 'basic' |
LPMaxIter | Strictly positive integer, the maximum number of simplex algorithm
iterations per node during the branch-and-bound process. | 3e4 |
LPPreprocess | Type of preprocessing for the solution to the relaxed linear
program (see Linear Program Preprocessing): | 'basic' |
MaxNodes | Strictly positive integer that is the maximum number of nodes intlinprog explores
in its branch-and-bound process. | 1e7 |
MaxNumFeasPoints | Strictly positive integer. intlinprog stops
if it finds MaxNumFeasPoints integer feasible points. | Inf |
MaxTime | Positive real that is the maximum time in seconds that intlinprog runs. | 7200 |
NodeSelection | Choose the node to explore next.'simplebestproj' — Best
projection. See Branch and Bound.
'minobj' — Explore the node
with the minimum objective function.
'mininfeas' — Explore the
node with the minimal sum of integer infeasibilities. See Branch and Bound.
| 'simplebestproj' |
ObjectiveCutOff | Real greater than -Inf . During the branch-and-bound
calculation, intlinprog discards any node where
the linear programming solution has an objective value exceeding ObjectiveCutOff . | Inf |
OutputFcn | Specify one or more functions that an optimization function
calls at events, either as a function handle or as a cell array of
function handles. For information on writing a custom output function,
see intlinprog Output Functions and Plot Functions. | [] |
PlotFcns | Plots various measures of progress while the algorithm
executes, select from predefined plots or write your own. Pass a function
handle or a cell array of function handles. For information on writing a custom plot function,
see intlinprog Output Functions and Plot Functions. | [] |
RelObjThreshold | Nonnegative real. intlinprog changes the
current feasible solution only when it locates another with an objective
function value that is at least RelObjThreshold lower: (fold
– fnew)/(1 + fold) > RelObjThreshold. | 1e-4 |
RootLPAlgorithm | Algorithm for solving linear programs: | 'dual-simplex' |
RootLPMaxIter | Nonnegative integer that is the maximum number of simplex algorithm
iterations to solve the initial linear programming problem. | 3e4 |
TolCon | Real from 1e-9 through 1e-3 that
is the maximum discrepancy that linear constraints can have and still
be considered satisfied. TolCon is not a stopping
criterion. | 1e-4 |
TolFunLP | Nonnegative real where reduced costs must exceed TolFunLP for
a variable to be taken into the basis. | 1e-7 |
TolGapAbs | Nonnegative real. intlinprog stops if
the difference between the internally calculated upper (U )
and lower (L ) bounds on the objective function
is less than or equal to TolGapAbs :U
– L <= TolGapAbs .
| 0 |
TolGapRel | Real from 0 through 1 . intlinprog stops
if the relative difference between the internally calculated upper
(U ) and lower (L ) bounds on
the objective function is less than or equal to TolGapRel :(U
– L) / (abs(U) + 1) <= TolGapRel .
| 1e-4 |
TolInteger | Real from 1e-6 through 1e-3 ,
where the maximum deviation from integer that a component of the solution x can
have and still be considered an integer. TolInteger is
not a stopping criterion. | 1e-5 |