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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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pps packages

 attcalcCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 atthkgenCreates dataset containing the attitude information for an observationpdf ChangeLog
 badpixGenerates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input filepdf ChangeLog
 badpixfindCreates file identifying type and location of bad pixelspdf ChangeLog
 bkgoptrateOutput the optimum background level.pdf ChangeLog
 cifbuildCreates a Calibration Index File for a given observation datepdf ChangeLog
 odfingestPrepare an ODF for processingpdf ChangeLog
 regionCreate source extraction regionspdf ChangeLog
 rgsanglesCorrect RGS event positions for spacecraft pointingpdf ChangeLog
 rgsframesPrepares RGS data for rgseventspdf ChangeLog
 rgsoffsetcalcCalculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images.pdf ChangeLog
 rgssourcesSelect/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing.pdf ChangeLog

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