utility packages | |||||
addattribute | Add an attribute to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
asmooth | Performs adaptive smoothing on EPIC or OM images. | ChangeLog | |||
attmove | Create new Attitude History File to simuluate tracking of a moving target | ChangeLog | |||
bkgfit | This task makes a background map for EPIC cameras. | ChangeLog | |||
calview | An interactive viewer of the XMM calibration database | ChangeLog | |||
cifbuild | Creates a Calibration Index File for a given observation date | ChangeLog | |||
cifdiff | Lists the differences between two Calibration Index Files | ChangeLog | |||
cifinsert | Insert CCF constituents in an existing Calibration Index File | ChangeLog | |||
cifremove | Remove entries from an existing Calibration Index File | ChangeLog | |||
cxctods9 | Convert CXC region files to ds9 format | ChangeLog | |||
ds9tocxc | Convert ds9 region file to CXC format | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddarray | Add an array to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddcolumn | Add a column to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddcomment | Add a comment to an attributable object | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddhistory | Add a history record to an attributable object | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddrows | Add a range of rows to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddtable | Add a table to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsattr | Get attribute values | ChangeLog | |||
dsconv | Convert columns that contain time stamps or angles to real numbers | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyattr | Copy a list of attributes to an attributable | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyblock | Copy a list of blocks to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dscopycolumn | Copy a list of columns to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyrows | Copy a range of rows in the given table | ChangeLog | |||
dscp | Copy an object | ChangeLog | |||
dscreatedataset | Create a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsdeletenullvalue | Delete the null value from an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dshead | ASCII dump of first part of an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsinfo | Retrieve information from object | ChangeLog | |||
dsinserttable | Insert one table (source) into another (destination) | ChangeLog | |||
dslatts | List the attributes in the given attributable objects | ChangeLog | |||
dslcols | List the columns in the given tables and/or or datasets | ChangeLog | |||
dsls | List the datasets in the given directory | ChangeLog | |||
dsnullify | Set all data elements in an object to null | ChangeLog | |||
dspurify | Purify a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsrelabel | Relabel an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsrename | Rename an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsreplacenulls | Replace the null values in an object with a new value | ChangeLog | |||
dsreshape | Reshape the dimensions of an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dsrm | Delete a list of objects | ChangeLog | |||
dsrmattr | Delete a list of attributes from an attributable | ChangeLog | |||
dsrmrows | Remove a range of rows from a table | ChangeLog | |||
dssetarrayelement | Set the value of an array element | ChangeLog | |||
dssetattr | Set/Add an attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dssetcolumnelement | Set the value of a column element | ChangeLog | |||
dssetdata | Copy an object's data to another object | ChangeLog | |||
dssetlabel | Set the label of an array, table, column or attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dssetnullvalue | Set the null value of an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dssetunits | Set the units of an array, column or attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dsstats | Produce dataset statistics | ChangeLog | |||
dsstruct | Get the structure of a list of datasets | ChangeLog | |||
dstail | ASCII dump of last part of an object | ChangeLog | |||
dstoplot | Front-end to dsplot | ChangeLog | |||
dstranstype | Convert the datatype of a list of objects | ChangeLog | |||
dsvalidate | Check a dataset. | ChangeLog | |||
dsverify | Check a dataset. | ChangeLog | |||
eboxdetect | Sliding box EPIC source searching | ChangeLog | |||
edetect_chain | EPIC source detection script | ChangeLog | |||
eexpmap | Creates EPIC exposure maps required by source detection tasks | ChangeLog | |||
emask | Creates a mask image to be used for source searching | ChangeLog | |||
emldetect | EPIC maximum likelihood multi-source point spread function fitting | ChangeLog | |||
emosaic | Mosaic images | ChangeLog | |||
epauxcomb | Combines the two tables of a PN ODF Auxiliary file | ChangeLog | |||
eposcorr | Adds corrected source positions to the EPIC source list by cross-correlating with optical source catalogues | ChangeLog | |||
epreject | EPIC corrects energy scale and flags low energy noise events | ChangeLog | |||
eprejectti | EPIC flags PN TI-mode low energy noise events | ChangeLog | |||
esensmap | Creates an EPIC sensitivity map | ChangeLog | |||
esplinemap | Performs a spline fit of the background for EPIC source detection | ChangeLog | |||
ewavelet | Source detection routine, using wavelet filtering at several scales | ChangeLog | |||
gtialign | Aligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundaries | ChangeLog | |||
hkauxplot | Creates a postscript or xterm plot of XMM Auxilary or HK data using PGPLOT. | ChangeLog | |||
hkstrip | Removes unneeded columns from housekeeping data | ChangeLog | |||
implot | Plots EPIC or OM images using PGPLOT using WCS library | ChangeLog | |||
movecalc | Create additional X/Y columns centered on attitude of moving object (comet or planet) | ChangeLog | |||
odfbrowser | Interactive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposures | ChangeLog | |||
odffix | Make additions to a PMS or scisim ODF so that it can be used with the SAS. | ChangeLog | |||
odfingest | Prepare an ODF for processing | ChangeLog | |||
phasecalc | Given an ephemeris, calculate a phase column for an event table. | ChangeLog | |||
playback | Play back commands applied to a data set | ChangeLog | |||
rudi5mosaic | Mosaics two or more Rudi-5 images | ChangeLog | |||
sashelp | Display the html documentation of a SAS task. | ChangeLog | |||
srcdisplay | Display image overlayed with positions of detected sources | ChangeLog | |||
srcmatch | Uses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source list | ChangeLog | |||
statsget | returns statistics for the specified columns | ChangeLog | |||
tabcalc | Perform arbitrary calculations on a table | ChangeLog | |||
timeappend | Appends a TIME column to a given table. | ChangeLog | |||
timecalc | Arithmetic with times | ChangeLog | |||
tools | A collection of utilties too small to call tasks | ChangeLog | |||
xmmtimeconv | Tool to aid time conversion | ChangeLog |