All Algorithms |
you use optimset (not recommended, see Choose Between optimoptions and optimset),
use LargeScale instead of Algorithm . | Choose the fminunc algorithm.
Choices are 'trust-region' (default) or 'quasi-newton' . The 'trust-region' algorithm
requires you to provide the gradient (see the description of fun ), or else fminunc uses
the 'quasi-newton' algorithm. For information on
choosing the algorithm, see Choosing the Algorithm. |
DerivativeCheck | Compare user-supplied derivatives
(gradient of objective) to finite-differencing derivatives. Choices
are 'off' (default) or 'on' . |
Diagnostics | Display diagnostic information
about the function to be minimized or solved. Choices are 'off' (default)
or 'on' . |
| Maximum change in variables for
finite-difference gradients (a positive scalar). The default is Inf . |
| Minimum change in variables for
finite-difference gradients (a positive scalar). The default is 0 . |
Display | Level of display (see Iterative Display): 'off' or 'none' displays
no output.
'iter' displays output at each
iteration, and gives the default exit message.
'iter-detailed' displays output
at each iteration, and gives the technical exit message.
'notify' displays output only if
the function does not converge, and gives the default exit message.
'notify-detailed' displays output
only if the function does not converge, and gives the technical exit
'final' (default) displays only
the final output, and gives the default exit message.
'final-detailed' displays only
the final output, and gives the technical exit message.
FinDiffRelStep | Scalar or vector step size factor for finite differences. When
you set FinDiffRelStep to a vector v ,
forward finite differences steps delta are delta
= v.*sign′(x).*max(abs(x),TypicalX);
where sign′(x)
= sign(x) except sign′(0) = 1 .
Central finite differences are delta = v.*max(abs(x),TypicalX);
Scalar FinDiffRelStep expands
to a vector. The default is sqrt(eps) for forward
finite differences, and eps^(1/3) for central finite
differences. The
trust-region algorithm uses FinDiffRelStep only
when DerivativeCheck is set to 'on' . |
FinDiffType | Finite differences, used to estimate
gradients, are either 'forward' (the default),
or 'central' (centered). 'central' takes
twice as many function evaluations, but should be more accurate. The
trust-region algorithm uses FinDiffType only when DerivativeCheck is
set to 'on' . |
FunValCheck | Check whether objective function
values are valid. The default setting, 'off' , does
not perform a check. The 'on' setting displays
an error when the objective function returns a value that is complex , Inf ,
or NaN . |
GradObj | Gradient for the objective function
defined by the user. See the description of fun to see how to define the gradient in fun .
Set to 'on' to have fminunc use
a user-defined gradient of the objective function. The default 'off' causes fminunc to
estimate gradients using finite differences. You must provide the
gradient, and set GradObj to 'on' ,
to use the trust-region algorithm. This option is not required for
the quasi-Newton algorithm. |
you use optimoptions (recommended, see Choose Between optimoptions and optimset),
use Algorithm instead of LargeScale . | Choose the algorithm. When set
to the default 'on' , use the 'trust-region' algorithm
if possible. When set to 'off' , use the 'quasi-newton' algorithm. The 'trust-region' algorithm
requires you to provide the gradient (see the description of fun ). Otherwise, fminunc uses
the 'quasi-newton' algorithm. For more information,
see Choosing the Algorithm. |
MaxFunEvals | Maximum number of function evaluations
allowed, a positive integer. The default value is 100*numberOfVariables .
See Tolerances and Stopping Criteria and Iterations and Function Counts. |
MaxIter | Maximum number of iterations allowed,
a positive integer. The default value is 400 .
See Tolerances and Stopping Criteria and Iterations and Function Counts. |
OutputFcn | Specify one or more user-defined
functions that an optimization function calls at each iteration, either
as a function handle or as a cell array of function handles. The default
is none ([] ). See Output Function. |
| Plot various measures of progress
while the algorithm executes. Select from predefined plots or write
your own. Pass a function handle or a cell array of function handles.
The default is none ([] ). @optimplotx plots the current point.
@optimplotfunccount plots the function
@optimplotfval plots the function
@optimplotstepsize plots the step
@optimplotfirstorderopt plots the
first-order optimality measure.
For information on writing a custom plot function,
see Plot Functions. |
TolFun | Termination tolerance on the function
value, a positive scalar. The default is 1e-6 .
See Tolerances and Stopping Criteria. |
TolX | Termination tolerance on x ,
a positive scalar. The default value is 1e-6 . See Tolerances and Stopping Criteria. |
| Typical x values.
The number of elements in TypicalX is equal to
the number of elements in x0 , the starting point.
The default value is ones(numberofvariables,1) . fminunc uses TypicalX for
scaling finite differences for gradient estimation. The trust-region algorithm
uses TypicalX only for the DerivativeCheck option. |
trust-region Algorithm |
Hessian | If set to 'off' (default), fminunc approximates
the Hessian using finite differences. If set to 'on' , fminunc uses
a user-defined Hessian for the objective function. The Hessian is
either defined in the objective function (see fun ), or is indirectly
defined when using HessMult . |
HessMult | Function handle for
Hessian multiply function. For large-scale structured problems, this
function computes the Hessian matrix product H*Y without
actually forming H . The function is of the form where Hinfo contains
the matrix used to compute H*Y . The
first argument is the same as the third argument returned by the objective
function fun , for example Y is
a matrix that has the same number of rows as there are dimensions
in the problem. The matrix W = H*Y , although H is
not formed explicitly. fminunc uses Hinfo to
compute the preconditioner. For information on how to supply values
for any additional parameters hmfun needs, see Passing Extra Parameters.
'Hessian' must be set to 'on' for fminunc to
pass Hinfo from fun to hmfun . |
For an example, see Minimization with Dense Structured Hessian, Linear Equalities. |
HessPattern | Sparsity pattern of the Hessian
for finite differencing. Set HessPattern(i,j) = 1 when
you can have ∂2fun /∂x(i) ∂x(j) ≠ 0. Otherwise, set HessPattern(i,j)
= 0 . Use HessPattern when
it is inconvenient to compute the Hessian matrix H in fun ,
but you can determine (say, by inspection) when the i th
component of the gradient of fun depends on x(j) . fminunc can
approximate H via sparse finite differences (of
the gradient) if you provide the sparsity structure of H as
the value for HessPattern . In other words, provide
the locations of the nonzeros. When the structure is unknown,
do not set HessPattern . The default behavior is
as if HessPattern is a dense matrix of ones. Then fminunc computes
a full finite-difference approximation in each iteration. This computation
can be expensive for large problems, so it is usually better to determine
the sparsity structure. | |
MaxPCGIter | Maximum number of preconditioned
conjugate gradient (PCG) iterations, a positive scalar. The default
is max(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2)) . For more
information, see Trust Region Algorithm. | |
PrecondBandWidth | Upper bandwidth of preconditioner
for PCG, a nonnegative integer. By default, fminunc uses
diagonal preconditioning (upper bandwidth of 0). For some problems,
increasing the bandwidth reduces the number of PCG iterations. Setting PrecondBandWidth to Inf uses
a direct factorization (Cholesky) rather than the conjugate gradients
(CG). The direct factorization is computationally more expensive than
CG, but produces a better quality step towards the solution. | |
TolPCG | Termination tolerance on the PCG
iteration, a positive scalar. The default is 0.1 . | |
quasi-newton Algorithm | |
HessUpdate | Method for choosing the search
direction in the Quasi-Newton algorithm. The choices are: | |
InitialHessMatrix This
option will be removed in a future release. | Initial quasi-Newton matrix. This
option is available only if you set InitialHessType to 'user-supplied' .
In that case, you can set InitialHessMatrix to
one of the following: A positive scalar — The initial matrix is
the scalar times the identity. A vector of positive values — The initial matrix
is a diagonal matrix with the entries of the vector on the diagonal.
This vector should be the same size as the x0 vector,
the initial point.
| |
InitialHessType This
option will be removed in a future release. | Initial quasi-Newton matrix type.
The options are: | |
ObjectiveLimit | A tolerance (stopping criterion)
that is a scalar. If the objective function value at an iteration
is less than or equal to ObjectiveLimit , the iterations
halt because the problem is presumably unbounded. The default value
is -1e20 . | |