
Solve constrained linear least-squares problems

Linear least-squares solver with bounds or linear constraints.

Solves least-squares curve fitting problems of the form

minx12Cxd22 such that {Axb,Aeqx=beq,lbxub.


  • x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b)
  • x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
  • x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options)
  • x = lsqlin(problem)
  • [x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda] = lsqlin(___)



x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b) solves the linear system C*x = d in the least-squares sense, subject to A*x ≤ b.


x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub) adds linear equality constraints Aeq*x = beq and bounds lb ≤ x ≤ ub. If you do not need certain constraints such as Aeq and beq, set them to []. If x(i) is unbounded below, set lb(i) = -Inf, and if x(i) is unbounded above, set ub(i) = Inf.


x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options) minimizes with an initial point x0 and the optimization options specified in options. Use optimoptions to set these options. If you do not want to include an initial point, set the x0 argument to [].

x = lsqlin(problem) finds the minimum for problem, where problem is a structure. Create the problem structure by exporting a problem from Optimization app, as described in Exporting Your Work.


[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda] = lsqlin(___), for any input arguments described above, returns:

  • The squared 2-norm of the residual resnorm = Cxd22

  • The residual residual = C*x - d

  • A value exitflag describing the exit condition

  • A structure output containing information about the optimization process

  • A structure lambda containing the Lagrange multipliers

    The factor ½ in the definition of the problem affects the values in the lambda structure.


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Least Squares with Linear Inequality Constraints

Find the x that minimizes the norm of C*x - d for an overdetermined problem with linear inequality constraints.

Specify the problem and constraints.

C = [0.9501    0.7620    0.6153    0.4057
    0.2311    0.4564    0.7919    0.9354
    0.6068    0.0185    0.9218    0.9169
    0.4859    0.8214    0.7382    0.4102
    0.8912    0.4447    0.1762    0.8936];
d = [0.0578
A = [0.2027    0.2721    0.7467    0.4659
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4450    0.4186
    0.6037    0.0152    0.9318    0.8462];
b = [0.5251

Call lsqlin to solve the problem.

x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b)
Warning: The trust-region-reflective algorithm can handle bound constraints
    using active-set algorithm instead. 
Optimization terminated.

x =


Least Squares with Linear Constraints and Bounds

Find the x that minimizes the norm of C*x - d for an overdetermined problem with linear inequality constraints and bounds.

Specify the problem and constraints.

C = [0.9501    0.7620    0.6153    0.4057
    0.2311    0.4564    0.7919    0.9354
    0.6068    0.0185    0.9218    0.9169
    0.4859    0.8214    0.7382    0.4102
    0.8912    0.4447    0.1762    0.8936];
d = [0.0578
A =[0.2027    0.2721    0.7467    0.4659
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4450    0.4186
    0.6037    0.0152    0.9318    0.8462];
b =[0.5251
Aeq = [3 5 7 9];
beq = 4;
lb = -0.1*ones(4,1);
ub = 2*ones(4,1);

Call lsqlin to solve the problem.

x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
Warning: The trust-region-reflective algorithm can handle bound constraints
    using active-set algorithm instead. 
Optimization terminated.

x =


Least Squares with Start Point and Nondefault Options

Find the x that minimizes the norm of C*x - d for an overdetermined problem with linear inequality constraints. Use a start point and nondefault options.

Specify the problem and constraints.

C = [0.9501    0.7620    0.6153    0.4057
    0.2311    0.4564    0.7919    0.9354
    0.6068    0.0185    0.9218    0.9169
    0.4859    0.8214    0.7382    0.4102
    0.8912    0.4447    0.1762    0.8936];
d = [0.0578
A =[0.2027    0.2721    0.7467    0.4659
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4450    0.4186
    0.6037    0.0152    0.9318    0.8462];
b =[0.5251
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [];
ub = [];

Set a start point.

x0 = 0.1*ones(4,1);

Set options to choose the 'active-set' algorithm, which is the only algorithm that uses a start point.

options = optimoptions('lsqlin','Algorithm','active-set');

Call lsqlin to solve the problem.

x = lsqlin(C,d,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options)
Optimization terminated.

x =


Return All Outputs

Obtain and interpret all lsqlin outputs.

Define a problem with linear inequality constraints and bounds. The problem is overdetermined because there are four columns in the C matrix but five rows. This means the problem has four unknowns and five conditions, even before including the linear constraints and bounds.

C = [0.9501    0.7620    0.6153    0.4057
    0.2311    0.4564    0.7919    0.9354
    0.6068    0.0185    0.9218    0.9169
    0.4859    0.8214    0.7382    0.4102
    0.8912    0.4447    0.1762    0.8936];
d = [0.0578
A =[0.2027    0.2721    0.7467    0.4659
    0.1987    0.1988    0.4450    0.4186
    0.6037    0.0152    0.9318    0.8462];
b =[0.5251
lb = -0.1*ones(4,1);
ub = 2*ones(4,1);

Set options to use the 'interior-point' algorithm.

options = optimoptions('lsqlin','Algorithm','interior-point');

The 'interior-point' algorithm does not use an initial point, so set x0 to [].

x0 = [];

Call lsqlin with all outputs.

[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda] = ...
Minimum found that satisfies the constraints.

Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in 
feasible directions, to within the default value of the function tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.

x =


resnorm =


residual =


exitflag =


output = 

            message: 'Minimum found that satisfies the constraints....'
          algorithm: 'interior-point'
      firstorderopt: 1.6296e-08
    constrviolation: 0
         iterations: 6
       cgiterations: []

lambda = 

    ineqlin: [3x1 double]
      eqlin: [0x1 double]
      lower: [4x1 double]
      upper: [4x1 double]

Examine the nonzero Lagrange multiplier fields in more detail. First examine the Lagrange multipliers for the linear inequality constraint.

ans =


Lagrange multipliers are nonzero exactly when the solution is on the corresponding constraint boundary. In other words, Lagrange multipliers are nonzero when the corresponding constraint is active. lambda.ineqlin(2) is nonzero. This means that the second element in A*x should equal the second element in b, because the constraint is active.

ans =

    0.2026    0.2026

Now examine the Lagrange multipliers for the lower and upper bound constraints.

ans =


ans =

   1.0e-10 *


The first two elements of lambda.lower are nonzero. You see that x(1) and x(2) are at their lower bounds, -0.1. All elements of lambda.upper are essentially zero, and you see that all components of x are less than their upper bound, 2.

Related Examples

Input Arguments

collapse all

C — Multiplier matrixreal matrix

Multiplier matrix, specified as a matrix of doubles. C represents the multiplier of the solution x in the expression C*x - d. C is M-by-N, where M is the number of equations, and N is the number of elements of x.

Example: C = [1,4;2,5;7,8]

Data Types: double

d — Constant vectorreal vector

Constant vector, specified as a vector of doubles. d represents the additive constant term in the expression C*x - d. d is M-by-1, where M is the number of equations.

Example: d = [5;0;-12]

Data Types: double

A — Linear inequality constraint matrixreal matrix

Linear inequality constraint matrix, specified as a matrix of doubles. A represents the linear coefficients in the constraints A*x  b. A has size Mineq-by-N, where Mineq is the number of constraints and N is the number of elements of x. To save memory, pass A as a sparse matrix.

Example: A = [4,3;2,0;4,-1]; means three linear inequalities (three rows) for two decision variables (two columns).

Data Types: double

b — Linear inequality constraint vectorreal vector

Linear inequality constraint vector, specified as a vector of doubles. b represents the constant vector in the constraints A*x  b. b has length Mineq, where A is Mineq-by-N.

Example: [4,0]

Data Types: double

Aeq — Linear equality constraint matrix[] (default) | real matrix

Linear equality constraint matrix, specified as a matrix of doubles. Aeq represents the linear coefficients in the constraints Aeq*x = beq. Aeq has size Meq-by-N, where Meq is the number of constraints and N is the number of elements of x. To save memory, pass Aeq as a sparse matrix.

Example: A = [4,3;2,0;4,-1]; means three linear inequalities (three rows) for two decision variables (two columns).

Data Types: double

beq — Linear equality constraint vector[] (default) | real vector

Linear equality constraint vector, specified as a vector of doubles. beq represents the constant vector in the constraints Aeq*x = beq. beq has length Meq, where Aeq is Meq-by-N.

Example: [4,0]

Data Types: double

lb — Lower bounds[] (default) | real vector or array

Lower bounds, specified as a vector or array of doubles. lb represents the lower bounds elementwise in lb  x  ub.

Internally, lsqlin converts an array lb to the vector lb(:).

Example: lb = [0;-Inf;4] means x(1) ≥ 0, x(3) ≥ 4.

Data Types: double

ub — Upper bounds[] (default) | real vector or array

Upper bounds, specified as a vector or array of doubles. ub represents the upper bounds elementwise in lb  x  ub.

Internally, lsqlin converts an array ub to the vector ub(:).

Example: ub = [Inf;4;10] means x(2) ≤ 4, x(3) ≤ 10.

Data Types: double

x0 — Initial point[] (default) | real vector or array

Initial point for the solution process, specified as a vector or array of doubles. x0 is used only by the 'active-set' algorithm. Optional.

If you do not provide an x0 for the 'active-set' algorithm, lsqlin sets x0 to the zero vector. If any component of this zero vector x0 violates the bounds, lsqlin sets x0 to a point in the interior of the box defined by the bounds.

Example: x0 = [4;-3]

Data Types: double

options — Options for lsqlinoptions created using optimoptions or the Optimization app

Options for lsqlin, specified as the output of the optimoptions function or the Optimization app.

All Algorithms


Choose the algorithm:

  • 'trust-region-reflective' (default)

  • 'interior-point'

  • 'active-set'

The 'trust-region-reflective' algorithm allows only upper and lower bounds, meaning no linear inequalities or equalities. If you specify both the 'trust-region-reflective' and linear constraints, lsqlin uses the active-set algorithm.

The trust-region-reflective algorithm does not allow equal upper and lower bounds. Use one of the other algorithms for this case.

For more information on choosing the algorithm, see Choosing the Algorithm.


Display diagnostic information about the function to be minimized or solved. The choices are 'on' or the default 'off'.


Level of display returned to the command line.

  • 'off' or 'none' displays no output.

  • 'final' displays just the final output (default).

The 'interior-point' algorithm allows additional values:

  • 'iter' gives iterative display.

  • 'iter-detailed' gives iterative display with a detailed exit message.

  • 'final-detailed' displays just the final output, with a detailed exit message.


Use Algorithm instead of LargeScale.

Use the 'trust-region-reflective' algorithm if possible when set to 'on' (default). Use the 'active-set' algorithm when set to 'off'. You cannot choose the 'interior-point' algorithm using LargeScale.


Maximum number of iterations allowed, a positive integer. The default value is 200.

trust-region-reflective Algorithm Options


Function handle for the Jacobian multiply function. For large-scale structured problems, this function should compute the Jacobian matrix product C*Y, C'*Y, or C'*(C*Y) without actually forming C. Write the function in the form

W = jmfun(Jinfo,Y,flag)

where Jinfo contains a matrix used to compute C*Y (or C'*Y, or C'*(C*Y)).

jmfun must compute one of three different products, depending on the value of flag that lsqlin passes:

  • If flag == 0 then W = C'*(C*Y).

  • If flag > 0 then W = C*Y.

  • If flag < 0 then W = C'*Y.

In each case, jmfun need not form C explicitly. lsqlin uses Jinfo to compute the preconditioner. See Passing Extra Parameters for information on how to supply extra parameters if necessary.

See Jacobian Multiply Function with Linear Least Squares for an example.



Maximum number of PCG (preconditioned conjugate gradient) iterations, a positive scalar. The default is max(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2)). For more information, see Trust-Region-Reflective Algorithm.



Upper bandwidth of preconditioner for PCG (preconditioned conjugate gradient). By default, diagonal preconditioning is used (upper bandwidth of 0). For some problems, increasing the bandwidth reduces the number of PCG iterations. Setting PrecondBandWidth to Inf uses a direct factorization (Cholesky) rather than the conjugate gradients (CG). The direct factorization is computationally more expensive than CG, but produces a better quality step toward the solution. For more information, see Trust-Region-Reflective Algorithm.


Termination tolerance on the function value, a positive scalar. The default is 100*eps, about 2.2204e-14.


Termination tolerance on the PCG (preconditioned conjugate gradient) iteration, a positive scalar. The default is 0.1.


Typical x values. The number of elements in TypicalX is equal to the number of elements in x0, the starting point. The default value is ones(numberofvariables,1). lsqlin uses TypicalX internally for scaling. TypicalX has an effect only when x has unbounded components, and when a TypicalX value for an unbounded component is larger than 1.


interior-point Algorithm Options


Tolerance on the constraint violation, a positive scalar. The default is 1e-8.


Termination tolerance on the function value, a positive scalar. The default is 1e-8.

problem — Optimization problemstructure

Optimization problem, specified as a structure with the following fields.


Matrix multiplier in the term C*x - d


Additive constant in the term C*x - d


Matrix for linear inequality constraints


Vector for linear inequality constraints


Matrix for linear equality constraints


Vector for linear equality constraints
lbVector of lower bounds
ubVector of upper bounds


Initial point for x




Options created with optimoptions

Create the problem structure by exporting a problem from the Optimization app, as described in Exporting Your Work.

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

collapse all

x — Solutionreal vector

Solution, returned as a vector that minimizes the norm of C*x-d subject to all bounds and linear constraints.

resnorm — Objective valuereal scalar

Objective value, returned as the scalar value norm(C*x-d)^2.

residual — Solution residualsreal vector

Solution residuals, returned as the vector C*x-d.

exitflag — Algorithm stopping conditioninteger

Algorithm stopping condition, returned as an integer identifying the reason the algorithm stopped. The following lists the values of exitflag and the corresponding reasons lsqlin stopped.


Function converged to a solution x.


Change in the residual was smaller than the specified tolerance.


Number of iterations exceeded options.MaxIter.


The problem is infeasible.


Ill-conditioning prevents further optimization.


Magnitude of search direction became too small. No further progress could be made.

The exit message for the interior-point algorithm can give more details on the reason lsqlin stopped, such as exceeding a tolerance. See Exit Flags and Exit Messages.

output — Solution process summarystructure

Solution process summary, returned as a structure containing information about the optimization process.


Number of iterations the solver took.


One of these algorithms:

  • 'interior-point'

  • 'active-set'

  • 'trust-region-reflective'


Constraint violation that is positive for violated constraints (not returned for the 'trust-region-reflective' algorithm).

constrviolation = max([0;norm(Aeq*x-beq, inf);(lb-x);(x-ub);(A*x-b)])


Exit message.


First-order optimality at the solution. See First-Order Optimality Measure.


Number of conjugate gradient iterations the solver performed. Nonempty only for the 'trust-region-reflective' algorithm.

See Output Structures.

lambda — Lagrange multipliersstructure

Lagrange multipliers, returned as a structure with the following fields.


Lower bounds lb


Upper bounds ub


Linear inequalities


Linear equalities

See Lagrange Multiplier Structures.

More About

expand all


  • For problems with no constraints, you can use \ (matrix left division). When you have no constraints, lsqlin returns x = C\d.

  • Because the problem being solved is always convex, lsqlin finds a global, although not necessarily unique, solution.

  • Better numerical results are likely if you specify equalities explicitly, using Aeq and beq, instead of implicitly, using lb and ub.

  • The trust-region-reflective algorithm does not allow equal upper and lower bounds. Use another algorithm for this case.

  • If the specified input bounds for a problem are inconsistent, the output x is x0 and the outputs resnorm and residual are [].

  • You can solve some large structured problems, including those where the C matrix is too large to fit in memory, using the trust-region-reflective algorithm with a Jacobian multiply function. For information, see trust-region-reflective Algorithm Options.


Trust-Region-Reflective Algorithm

When the problem given to lsqlin has only upper and lower bounds; that is, no linear inequalities or equalities are specified, and the matrix C has at least as many rows as columns, the default algorithm is trust-region-reflective. This method is a subspace trust-region method based on the interior-reflective Newton method described in [1]. Each iteration involves the approximate solution of a large linear system using the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients (PCG). See Trust-Region-Reflective Least Squares, and in particular Large Scale Linear Least Squares.

Active-Set Algorithm

lsqlin uses the active-set algorithm when you specify it with optimoptions, or when you give linear inequalities or equalities. The algorithm is based on quadprog, which uses an active set method similar to that described in [2]. It finds an initial feasible solution by first solving a linear programming problem. See active-set quadprog Algorithm.

Interior-Point Algorithm

The 'interior-point' algorithm is based on the quadprog 'interior-point-convex' algorithm. See Interior-Point Linear Least Squares.


[1] Coleman, T. F. and Y. Li. "A Reflective Newton Method for Minimizing a Quadratic Function Subject to Bounds on Some of the Variables," SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 6, Number 4, pp. 1040–1058, 1996.

[2] Gill, P. E., W. Murray, and M. H. Wright. Practical Optimization, Academic Press, London, UK, 1981.

See Also

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Introduced before R2006a

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