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mos packages

 attcalcCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 badpixGenerates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input filepdf ChangeLog
 badpixfindCreates file identifying type and location of bad pixelspdf ChangeLog
 embadpixfindLook for bright pixels in one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emchainPerl script for the EPIC MOS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 emdiagAnalyses EPIC-MOS diagnostic imagespdf ChangeLog
 emenergyAssigns energy and quality flag to events for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emeventsDefines final list of events, their position and time for EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emeventsprojProjects events to an image for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emframesAnalyses frame information for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emprocProcess EPIC MOS files in an ODFpdf ChangeLog
 emsaplibLibrary for EPIC-MOS packagespdf ChangeLog
 emtaglenoiseTask to tag low-energy noise in the MOS CCDs.pdf ChangeLog
 epatplotPlot EPIC pn/mos event pattern statisticspdf ChangeLog
 flspecComputes spectrum of background fluctuations for different offaxis anglespdf ChangeLog
 inthistPlots histograms of the intensity distributions of sets of EPIC imagespdf ChangeLog
 mergeMerges two event (attitude, orbit) files together, reprojecting sky coordinates pdf ChangeLog
 odfbrowserInteractive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposurespdf ChangeLog
 specaddCreates multiple spectrum FITS file by stacking two spectral filespdf ChangeLog

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