Mesh cut by a fusion between an anatomical MRI and an activation map
- Load:
Activation map:
Head mesh:
- Load referential information from file header for the 2 volumes.
- Set the referential of the T1 MRI to the head mesh.
- Make a fusion FusionCutMesh between the T1 MRI and the head mesh. A new object CutMesh is created.
Put this object CutMesh in a 3D window.
Select in this window the Cut Control:
Move the slice plane: Shift key + middle button + mouse move (rotation) and Ctrl Key + middle button + mouse move.(translation)
Make a fusion between the T1 MRI and activation map.
Make a fusion CutMesh between this FUSION2D object et the head mesh and visualize the result.
Make a fusion on the CutMesh object alone: it will be cut again by a second slice plane. It is possible to change the orientation of this second plane also.