pipeline packages | |||||
asmooth | Performs adaptive smoothing on EPIC or OM images. | ChangeLog | |||
attcalc | Calculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basis | ChangeLog | |||
atthkgen | Creates dataset containing the attitude information for an observation | ChangeLog | |||
backcorr | Makes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
badpix | Generates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input file | ChangeLog | |||
badpixfind | Creates file identifying type and location of bad pixels | ChangeLog | |||
efftplot | Computes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series | ChangeLog | |||
elcbuild | Combines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplot | ChangeLog | |||
emchain | Perl script for the EPIC MOS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
emenergy | Assigns energy and quality flag to events for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emevents | Defines final list of events, their position and time for EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emframes | Analyses frame information for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emproc | Process EPIC MOS files in an ODF | ChangeLog | |||
epchain | Script for the EPIC PN events pipeline processing and filtering | ChangeLog | |||
epevents | Calibrates EPIC-PN events for gain variations etc | ChangeLog | |||
epframes | Reformats EPIC PN events list for subsequent off-line analysis | ChangeLog | |||
epproc | Process EPIC PN data in a pipeline fashion | ChangeLog | |||
eslewchain | Script for dividing a slew into small images | ChangeLog | |||
especplot | Produces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PN | ChangeLog | |||
espfilt | Creates cosmic background-filtered event lists, images, lightcurves and a qdp plot from EPIC MOS or PN pipeline-processed event lists | ChangeLog | |||
evlistcomb | Merges event lists from all CCD/nodes into a single event file | ChangeLog | |||
flspec | Computes spectrum of background fluctuations for different offaxis angles | ChangeLog | |||
gtialign | Aligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundaries | ChangeLog | |||
hkauxplot | Creates a postscript or xterm plot of XMM Auxilary or HK data using PGPLOT. | ChangeLog | |||
implot | Plots EPIC or OM images using PGPLOT using WCS library | ChangeLog | |||
inthist | Plots histograms of the intensity distributions of sets of EPIC images | ChangeLog | |||
lcplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
odfingest | Prepare an ODF for processing | ChangeLog | |||
omatt | Convert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image, | ChangeLog | |||
ombackground | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omcomb | Combines the four non-overlapping OM science windows from a | ChangeLog | |||
omcosflag | Applies the OM tracking to a bad pixel map | ChangeLog | |||
omdetect | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omdrifthist | Provides graphical and statistical information on the OM tracking history. | ChangeLog | |||
omfastflat | Applies in-orbit and modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise calibrations to an OM fast mode event list. | ChangeLog | |||
omfastshift | Corrects FAST mode event list coordinates for spacecraft drift. | ChangeLog | |||
omflatfield | Creates a tracking shifted flatfield and applies it to an OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omflatgen | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omgprep | Convert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image, | ChangeLog | |||
omgrism | This task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseries | ChangeLog | |||
omgrismplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
omlcbuild | This task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseries | ChangeLog | |||
ommag | Converts from count rates to magnitudes in the instrumental system. | ChangeLog | |||
ommergelists | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
ommodmap | Creates and applies a'modulo-8' fixed pattern noise tile using flatfiled. | ChangeLog | |||
ommosaic | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omprep | Interacts directly with the ODF files, cloning the input and modifying it for subsequent processing by the pipeline tasks. | ChangeLog | |||
ompsfprofile | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omqualitymap | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omregion | Calculates evselect region files for an OM source | ChangeLog | |||
omsrclistcomb | Combines OSW source list into an observation source list. | ChangeLog | |||
omthconv | Converts OM tracking-history data into tracking-star count-rates time series. | ChangeLog | |||
omthlcplot | Plots all the lightcurves contained any one file | ChangeLog | |||
omvariability | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsangles | Correct RGS event positions for spacecraft pointing | ChangeLog | |||
rgsbadpix | Constructs the RGS bad pixel tables | ChangeLog | |||
rgsenergy | Performs energy calibrations on RGS telemetry | ChangeLog | |||
rgsevents | Constructs an RGS event list | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfilter | create the filtered event list and exposure maps | ChangeLog | |||
rgsframes | Prepares RGS data for rgsevents | ChangeLog | |||
rgsimplot | Displays an RGS Spectroscopy spatial-dispersion plot. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsoffsetcalc | Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsprods | Perl script for the RGS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
rgsregions | Constructs RGS event selection regions | ChangeLog | |||
rgssources | Select/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsspecplot | Produces annotated display of RGS spectra. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsspectrum | Extracts foreground and background spectra | ChangeLog | |||
specadd | Creates multiple spectrum FITS file by stacking two spectral files | ChangeLog | |||
srcmatch | Uses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source list | ChangeLog |