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pipeline packages

 asmoothPerforms adaptive smoothing on EPIC or OM images.pdf ChangeLog
 attcalcCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 atthkgenCreates dataset containing the attitude information for an observationpdf ChangeLog
 backcorrMakes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrumpdf ChangeLog
 badpixGenerates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input filepdf ChangeLog
 badpixfindCreates file identifying type and location of bad pixelspdf ChangeLog
 efftplotComputes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series pdf ChangeLog
 elcbuildCombines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplotpdf ChangeLog
 emchainPerl script for the EPIC MOS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 emenergyAssigns energy and quality flag to events for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emeventsDefines final list of events, their position and time for EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emframesAnalyses frame information for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOSpdf ChangeLog
 emprocProcess EPIC MOS files in an ODFpdf ChangeLog
 epchainScript for the EPIC PN events pipeline processing and filteringpdf ChangeLog
 epeventsCalibrates EPIC-PN events for gain variations etcpdf ChangeLog
 epframesReformats EPIC PN events list for subsequent off-line analysispdf ChangeLog
 epprocProcess EPIC PN data in a pipeline fashionpdf ChangeLog
 eslewchainScript for dividing a slew into small imagespdf ChangeLog
 especplotProduces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PNpdf ChangeLog
 espfiltCreates cosmic background-filtered event lists, images, lightcurves and a qdp plot from EPIC MOS or PN pipeline-processed event listspdf ChangeLog
 evlistcombMerges event lists from all CCD/nodes into a single event filepdf ChangeLog
 flspecComputes spectrum of background fluctuations for different offaxis anglespdf ChangeLog
 gtialignAligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundariespdf ChangeLog
 hkauxplotCreates a postscript or xterm plot of XMM Auxilary or HK data using PGPLOT.pdf ChangeLog
 implotPlots EPIC or OM images using PGPLOT using WCS librarypdf ChangeLog
 inthistPlots histograms of the intensity distributions of sets of EPIC imagespdf ChangeLog
 lcplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 odfingestPrepare an ODF for processingpdf ChangeLog
 omattConvert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image,pdf ChangeLog
 ombackgroundCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omcombCombines the four non-overlapping OM science windows from apdf ChangeLog
 omcosflagApplies the OM tracking to a bad pixel mappdf ChangeLog
 omdetectUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omdrifthistProvides graphical and statistical information on the OM tracking history.pdf ChangeLog
 omfastflatApplies in-orbit and modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise calibrations to an OM fast mode event list.pdf ChangeLog
 omfastshiftCorrects FAST mode event list coordinates for spacecraft drift. pdf ChangeLog
 omflatfieldCreates a tracking shifted flatfield and applies it to an OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omflatgenCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omgprepConvert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image,pdf ChangeLog
 omgrismThis task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseriespdf ChangeLog
 omgrismplotPlots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical testspdf ChangeLog
 omlcbuildThis task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseriespdf ChangeLog
 ommagConverts from count rates to magnitudes in the instrumental system.pdf ChangeLog
 ommergelistsUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 ommodmapCreates and applies a'modulo-8' fixed pattern noise tile using flatfiled.pdf ChangeLog
 ommosaicUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omprepInteracts directly with the ODF files, cloning the input and modifying it for subsequent processing by the pipeline tasks.pdf ChangeLog
 ompsfprofileCombines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image.pdf ChangeLog
 omqualitymapUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 omregionCalculates evselect region files for an OM sourcepdf ChangeLog
 omsrclistcombCombines OSW source list into an observation source list.pdf ChangeLog
 omthconvConverts OM tracking-history data into tracking-star count-rates time series.pdf ChangeLog
 omthlcplotPlots all the lightcurves contained any one filepdf ChangeLog
 omvariabilityUses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsanglesCorrect RGS event positions for spacecraft pointingpdf ChangeLog
 rgsbadpixConstructs the RGS bad pixel tablespdf ChangeLog
 rgsenergyPerforms energy calibrations on RGS telemetrypdf ChangeLog
 rgseventsConstructs an RGS event listpdf ChangeLog
 rgsfiltercreate the filtered event list and exposure mapspdf ChangeLog
 rgsframesPrepares RGS data for rgseventspdf ChangeLog
 rgsimplotDisplays an RGS Spectroscopy spatial-dispersion plot.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsoffsetcalcCalculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsprodsPerl script for the RGS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 rgsregionsConstructs RGS event selection regionspdf ChangeLog
 rgssourcesSelect/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsspecplotProduces annotated display of RGS spectra.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsspectrumExtracts foreground and background spectrapdf ChangeLog
 specaddCreates multiple spectrum FITS file by stacking two spectral filespdf ChangeLog
 srcmatchUses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source listpdf ChangeLog

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