All packages in alphabetical order | |||||
adapt | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
adapt_merge | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
addattribute | Add an attribute to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
arfgen | Generates an ancillary response file | ChangeLog | |||
asmooth | Performs adaptive smoothing on EPIC or OM images. | ChangeLog | |||
attbin | Bins up attitude into periods of small variation. | ChangeLog | |||
attcalc | Calculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basis | ChangeLog | |||
attfilter | Exposure-specific attitude data filtering and GTI creation | ChangeLog | |||
atthkgen | Creates dataset containing the attitude information for an observation | ChangeLog | |||
attmove | Create new Attitude History File to simuluate tracking of a moving target | ChangeLog | |||
backcorr | Makes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
backscale | Calculation and setting of the BACKSCAL keyword | ChangeLog | |||
badpix | Generates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input file | ChangeLog | |||
badpixfind | Creates file identifying type and location of bad pixels | ChangeLog | |||
barycen | Barycentric correction | ChangeLog | |||
bin_image | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
bin_image_merge | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
binned_att | ChangeLog | ||||
bkgfit | This task makes a background map for EPIC cameras. | ChangeLog | |||
bkgoptrate | Output the optimum background level. | ChangeLog | |||
bstools | ChangeLog | ||||
cal | Calibration Access Layer library | ChangeLog | |||
calmosalgo | ChangeLog | ||||
caloalutils | Utility infrastructure library for CAL/OAL | ChangeLog | |||
calpnalgo | ChangeLog | ||||
calview | An interactive viewer of the XMM calibration database | ChangeLog | |||
camtochip | CAMCOORD->CHIPCOORD conversion tool | ChangeLog | |||
catcorr | Perform the correction of the positions based on external catalogues | ChangeLog | |||
catprep | Prepare the files for catcorr. | ChangeLog | |||
cheese | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
cheese-bands | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
cifbuild | Creates a Calibration Index File for a given observation date | ChangeLog | |||
cifdiff | Lists the differences between two Calibration Index Files | ChangeLog | |||
cifinsert | Insert CCF constituents in an existing Calibration Index File | ChangeLog | |||
cifremove | Remove entries from an existing Calibration Index File | ChangeLog | |||
clean | ChangeLog | ||||
colimchain | A script to make a colour-coded hardness image from PPS products. | ChangeLog | |||
colsmooth | This task smoothes a column of a fits file. | ChangeLog | |||
comb | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
conv_reg | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
cxctods9 | Convert CXC region files to ds9 format | ChangeLog | |||
dal | The XMM-Newton data access layer | ChangeLog | |||
dataconv | ChangeLog | ||||
datautils | ChangeLog | ||||
dhs | ChangeLog | ||||
ds9tocxc | Convert ds9 region file to CXC format | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddarray | Add an array to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddcolumn | Add a column to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddcomment | Add a comment to an attributable object | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddhistory | Add a history record to an attributable object | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddrows | Add a range of rows to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dsaddtable | Add a table to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsattr | Get attribute values | ChangeLog | |||
dsconv | Convert columns that contain time stamps or angles to real numbers | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyattr | Copy a list of attributes to an attributable | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyblock | Copy a list of blocks to a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dscopycolumn | Copy a list of columns to a table | ChangeLog | |||
dscopyrows | Copy a range of rows in the given table | ChangeLog | |||
dscp | Copy an object | ChangeLog | |||
dscreatedataset | Create a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsdeletenullvalue | Delete the null value from an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dshead | ASCII dump of first part of an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsinfo | Retrieve information from object | ChangeLog | |||
dsinserttable | Insert one table (source) into another (destination) | ChangeLog | |||
dslatts | List the attributes in the given attributable objects | ChangeLog | |||
dslcols | List the columns in the given tables and/or or datasets | ChangeLog | |||
dsls | List the datasets in the given directory | ChangeLog | |||
dsnullify | Set all data elements in an object to null | ChangeLog | |||
dsplot | Plot table data in data sets using xmgrace | ChangeLog | |||
dspurify | Purify a dataset | ChangeLog | |||
dsrelabel | Relabel an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsrename | Rename an object | ChangeLog | |||
dsreplacenulls | Replace the null values in an object with a new value | ChangeLog | |||
dsreshape | Reshape the dimensions of an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dsrm | Delete a list of objects | ChangeLog | |||
dsrmattr | Delete a list of attributes from an attributable | ChangeLog | |||
dsrmrows | Remove a range of rows from a table | ChangeLog | |||
dssetarrayelement | Set the value of an array element | ChangeLog | |||
dssetattr | Set/Add an attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dssetcolumnelement | Set the value of a column element | ChangeLog | |||
dssetdata | Copy an object's data to another object | ChangeLog | |||
dssetlabel | Set the label of an array, table, column or attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dssetnullvalue | Set the null value of an array or column | ChangeLog | |||
dssetunits | Set the units of an array, column or attribute | ChangeLog | |||
dsslib | Data Subspace Library | ChangeLog | |||
dsstats | Produce dataset statistics | ChangeLog | |||
dsstruct | Get the structure of a list of datasets | ChangeLog | |||
dstail | ASCII dump of last part of an object | ChangeLog | |||
dstoplot | Front-end to dsplot | ChangeLog | |||
dstranstype | Convert the datatype of a list of objects | ChangeLog | |||
dsvalidate | Check a dataset. | ChangeLog | |||
dsverify | Check a dataset. | ChangeLog | |||
earthbarycen | Barycentric correction for earth-bound observer | ChangeLog | |||
ebadpixupdate | Update event list with new bad pixels from the CCF or external files | ChangeLog | |||
ebkgreg | EPIC background selection for Source Products extraction | ChangeLog | |||
eboxdetect | Sliding box EPIC source searching | ChangeLog | |||
echeckregion | Check whether a source region is centred on an exposed area | ChangeLog | |||
ecoordconv | Converts a position between coordinate systems | ChangeLog | |||
edet2sky | Converts xmm detector coordinates to sky coordinates. | ChangeLog | |||
edetect_chain | EPIC source detection script | ChangeLog | |||
eexpmap | Creates EPIC exposure maps required by source detection tasks | ChangeLog | |||
efftplot | Computes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series | ChangeLog | |||
efluxer | Creation of a fluxed spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
eimagecombine | Script for EPIC multi-image creation | ChangeLog | |||
eimageget | Script for EPIC multi-image creation | ChangeLog | |||
eimsim | A script to make simulated epic images, and perform source detection on them. | ChangeLog | |||
eimsimbatch | A script to make simulated epic images, and perform source detection on them. | ChangeLog | |||
eimsimprep | Performs once-only, non-detect-specific setups. | ChangeLog | |||
eimsimreduce | Perl task which reduces eimsim data. | ChangeLog | |||
ekstest | Carries out a Kolmogorov Smirnov test of variability on EPIC data. | ChangeLog | |||
elcbuild | Combines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplot | ChangeLog | |||
elcplot | Produces plots of the net source, background time series and GTIs. | ChangeLog | |||
emask | Creates a mask image to be used for source searching | ChangeLog | |||
embadpixfind | Look for bright pixels in one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emchain | Perl script for the EPIC MOS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
emdiag | Analyses EPIC-MOS diagnostic images | ChangeLog | |||
emenergy | Assigns energy and quality flag to events for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emevents | Defines final list of events, their position and time for EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emeventsproj | Projects events to an image for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emframes | Analyses frame information for one CCD/node of EPIC-MOS | ChangeLog | |||
emldetect | EPIC maximum likelihood multi-source point spread function fitting | ChangeLog | |||
emosaic | Mosaic images | ChangeLog | |||
emosaic_prep | EPIC mosaic directory tree builder | ChangeLog | |||
emosaicproc | EPIC mosaic processing | ChangeLog | |||
emproc | Process EPIC MOS files in an ODF | ChangeLog | |||
emsaplib | Library for EPIC-MOS packages | ChangeLog | |||
emtaglenoise | Task to tag low-energy noise in the MOS CCDs. | ChangeLog | |||
eootepileupmask | This task calculates in rudimentary fashion the pileup probability for each pixel and outputs a mask image indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit. | ChangeLog | |||
eoptloadmask | This task outputs a mask file, which masks the areas that are likely to be affected with the optical loading caused by bright optical sources. | ChangeLog | |||
epatplot | Plot EPIC pn/mos event pattern statistics | ChangeLog | |||
epauxcomb | Combines the two tables of a PN ODF Auxiliary file | ChangeLog | |||
epchain | Script for the EPIC PN events pipeline processing and filtering | ChangeLog | |||
epevents | Calibrates EPIC-PN events for gain variations etc | ChangeLog | |||
epexposure | Performs EPIC PN exposure extension related corrections | ChangeLog | |||
epfast | Rate dependent gain correction | ChangeLog | |||
epframes | Reformats EPIC PN events list for subsequent off-line analysis | ChangeLog | |||
epicbscalgen | Compute boresight misalignment Euler angles for EPIC | ChangeLog | |||
epiclccorr | The aim of this task is to correct EPIC source time series. | ChangeLog | |||
epicproc | ChangeLog | ||||
epicspeccombine | Combines a list of spectrum files to create one combined spectrum file and the corresponding rmf, arf and bkg files | ChangeLog | |||
epileupmask | This task calculates the count/frame for each pixel and outputs a mask indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit. | ChangeLog | |||
epmpelib | ChangeLog | ||||
epnoise | Algorithm to reject soft X-ray noise in the EPIC-pn camera | ChangeLog | |||
eposcorr | Adds corrected source positions to the EPIC source list by cross-correlating with optical source catalogues | ChangeLog | |||
epproc | Process EPIC PN data in a pipeline fashion | ChangeLog | |||
epreject | EPIC corrects energy scale and flags low energy noise events | ChangeLog | |||
eprejectti | EPIC flags PN TI-mode low energy noise events | ChangeLog | |||
epspatialcti | Corrects an EPIC-pn event file for spatially-dependent CTI effects | ChangeLog | |||
epsplitproc | Split and analyse large epic event files | ChangeLog | |||
epsplitter | Splitting of a long EPIC pn event file into smaller parts | ChangeLog | |||
eptestdata | ChangeLog | ||||
epxrlcorr | Correction for X-ray loading in an EPIC-pn ODF | ChangeLog | |||
eradial | Extraction of radial profile and comparison with PSF | ChangeLog | |||
eregionanalyse | Optimisation of point source extraction circle | ChangeLog | |||
error | Error and messaging libraries | ChangeLog | |||
esas | ChangeLog | ||||
esas-mosaic | ChangeLog | ||||
esensmap | Creates an EPIC sensitivity map | ChangeLog | |||
esky2det | Converts sky coordinates to xmm detector coordinates. | ChangeLog | |||
eslewchain | Script for dividing a slew into small images | ChangeLog | |||
esources | Selects EPIC sources for creation of spectra and time series. | ChangeLog | |||
especget | Creation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMF | ChangeLog | |||
especplot | Produces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PN | ChangeLog | |||
espfilt | Creates cosmic background-filtered event lists, images, lightcurves and a qdp plot from EPIC MOS or PN pipeline-processed event lists | ChangeLog | |||
esplinemap | Performs a spline fit of the background for EPIC source detection | ChangeLog | |||
esprep_mosaic | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
esprep_mosaic_times | ChangeLog | ||||
etimeget | Creation of source and background time series | ChangeLog | |||
etruecolor | Three-color coding of images | ChangeLog | |||
eupper | Finds upper limit at a point in an image | ChangeLog | |||
evalcorr | Evaluate the output of eposcorr | ChangeLog | |||
evarimgen | This task makes an image in which the time-variability of each pixel is colour encoded. | ChangeLog | |||
evatt | ChangeLog | ||||
evigweight | Weight EPIC event lists with inverse effective area | ChangeLog | |||
evlistcomb | Merges event lists from all CCD/nodes into a single event file | ChangeLog | |||
evproject | Calculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basis | ChangeLog | |||
evselect | Filters event lists and extracts images, spectra, timeseries and histograms | ChangeLog | |||
ewavelet | Source detection routine, using wavelet filtering at several scales | ChangeLog | |||
fitsstat | Print the statistical information of the given FITS file | ChangeLog | |||
fitsutils | ChangeLog | ||||
flspec | Computes spectrum of background fluctuations for different offaxis angles | ChangeLog | |||
ftools | ChangeLog | ||||
gtialign | Aligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundaries | ChangeLog | |||
gtibuild | Constructs a GTI table from an ascii description file | ChangeLog | |||
gtimerge | MERGE two or more GTI tables into one | ChangeLog | |||
heliocentriccorr | Heliocentric correction | ChangeLog | |||
hkauxplot | Creates a postscript or xterm plot of XMM Auxilary or HK data using PGPLOT. | ChangeLog | |||
hkgtigen | Create Good-Time-Interval table from HK table data | ChangeLog | |||
hkstrip | Removes unneeded columns from housekeeping data | ChangeLog | |||
htrframes | initialize the intermediate event lists in HTR mode | ChangeLog | |||
imagelib | ChangeLog | ||||
imcrop | The task crops an image to the specified boundaries. | ChangeLog | |||
imgdisplay | Display images using ds9 | ChangeLog | |||
imgrad | The task calculates gradients of an image. | ChangeLog | |||
immask | The task makes a mask from an image. | ChangeLog | |||
implot | Plots EPIC or OM images using PGPLOT using WCS library | ChangeLog | |||
impoissonize | The task changes a real-valued image into a Poissonian image. | ChangeLog | |||
imrebin | The task rebins an image. | ChangeLog | |||
imsample | The task samples an image. | ChangeLog | |||
imweightadd | This task performs a (optionally weighted) sum of input images. | ChangeLog | |||
ingestsrcnames | This task adds a column IAUNAME, DETID, INCATFLG to the summary source list. | ChangeLog | |||
inthist | Plots histograms of the intensity distributions of sets of EPIC images | ChangeLog | |||
lcplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
make_mask | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
make_mask_merge | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
makethumbs | This task creates thumbnail GIFs around source locations. | ChangeLog | |||
merge | Merges two event (attitude, orbit) files together, reprojecting sky coordinates | ChangeLog | |||
merge_comp_xmm | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
merge_source_list | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
mos-filter | ChangeLog | ||||
mos-spectra | ChangeLog | ||||
mos_back | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
movecalc | Create additional X/Y columns centered on attitude of moving object (comet or planet) | ChangeLog | |||
mssllib | ChangeLog | ||||
multiespecget | Creation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMF for multiple event lists | ChangeLog | |||
multixmmselect | xmmselect for several input files | ChangeLog | |||
oal | Observation Data File Access Layer library | ChangeLog | |||
odfParamCreator | Extract ODF information | ChangeLog | |||
odfbrowser | Interactive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposures | ChangeLog | |||
odffix | Make additions to a PMS or scisim ODF so that it can be used with the SAS. | ChangeLog | |||
odfingest | Prepare an ODF for processing | ChangeLog | |||
om2pha | Extraction of OM filter rates into a spectral file | ChangeLog | |||
omatt | Convert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image, | ChangeLog | |||
ombackground | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omcomb | Combines the four non-overlapping OM science windows from a | ChangeLog | |||
omcosflag | Applies the OM tracking to a bad pixel map | ChangeLog | |||
omdetect | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omdrifthist | Provides graphical and statistical information on the OM tracking history. | ChangeLog | |||
omfastflat | Applies in-orbit and modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise calibrations to an OM fast mode event list. | ChangeLog | |||
omfastshift | Corrects FAST mode event list coordinates for spacecraft drift. | ChangeLog | |||
omfchain | This package contains a PERL script which takes a set of fast mode OM | ChangeLog | |||
omflatfield | Creates a tracking shifted flatfield and applies it to an OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omflatgen | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omgchain | This package contains a PERL script which takes a set of grism mode OM | ChangeLog | |||
omgprep | Convert a source list from OM detector to sky coordinates, and produce a sky coordinate OM OSW image, | ChangeLog | |||
omgrism | This task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseries | ChangeLog | |||
omgrismplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
omgrismresp | Prepares OM grism files for spectral fitting | ChangeLog | |||
omgsource | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omichain | Script calling a sequence of the OM tasks to make the complete processing of the OM Imaging Mode data (ODF) and to generate detected source lists for different OM filters | ChangeLog | |||
omlcbuild | This task constructs the PPS product OM OSW FITS source timeseries | ChangeLog | |||
ommag | Converts from count rates to magnitudes in the instrumental system. | ChangeLog | |||
ommergelists | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
ommodmap | Creates and applies a'modulo-8' fixed pattern noise tile using flatfiled. | ChangeLog | |||
ommosaic | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omphotom | Recomputes photometry of individual sources from an OM source-list file | ChangeLog | |||
omprep | Interacts directly with the ODF files, cloning the input and modifying it for subsequent processing by the pipeline tasks. | ChangeLog | |||
ompsfprofile | Combines a number of individual slew images into a full window flat field image. | ChangeLog | |||
omqualitymap | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
omregion | Calculates evselect region files for an OM source | ChangeLog | |||
omscattered | Mosaics non-sky-images for a given OM filter | ChangeLog | |||
omsource | Interactive program for adding/deleting sources to a source-list | ChangeLog | |||
omsrclistcomb | Combines OSW source list into an observation source list. | ChangeLog | |||
omthconv | Converts OM tracking-history data into tracking-star count-rates time series. | ChangeLog | |||
omthlcplot | Plots all the lightcurves contained any one file | ChangeLog | |||
omvariability | Uses an extractor like algorithm with modification to detect sources in a OM OSW image. | ChangeLog | |||
orbit | Create a FITS timeseries ``HK-like'' file from the ODF Spacecraft Reconstructed Orbit File. | ChangeLog | |||
param | The parameter handling library, used by all tasks | ChangeLog | |||
phasecalc | Given an ephemeris, calculate a phase column for an event table. | ChangeLog | |||
playback | Play back commands applied to a data set | ChangeLog | |||
pn-filter | ChangeLog | ||||
pn-spectra | ChangeLog | ||||
pn_back | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
point_source | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
poscorr3xmm | Correction for the offset of the centre of the ELLLBETA PSF | ChangeLog | |||
preferences | Preferences infrastructure library | ChangeLog | |||
proton | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
proton_scale | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
psfgen | Generate PSF from ccf | ChangeLog | |||
region | Create source extraction regions | ChangeLog | |||
responselib | ChangeLog | ||||
rgsangles | Correct RGS event positions for spacecraft pointing | ChangeLog | |||
rgsbadpix | Constructs the RGS bad pixel tables | ChangeLog | |||
rgsbkgmodel | Compute a model background from RGS background templates | ChangeLog | |||
rgsbkgmodelTest | ChangeLog | ||||
rgscombine | Combines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for each | ChangeLog | |||
rgsenergy | Performs energy calibrations on RGS telemetry | ChangeLog | |||
rgsevconvert | Converts an old-style RGS combined event list to the current format | ChangeLog | |||
rgsevents | Constructs an RGS event list | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfilter | create the filtered event list and exposure maps | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfluxer | Combines and fluxes RGS spectra | ChangeLog | |||
rgsfluxmodel | Turn an RGS fluxed spectrum into an XSPEC table model | ChangeLog | |||
rgsframes | Prepares RGS data for rgsevents | ChangeLog | |||
rgsimplot | Displays an RGS Spectroscopy spatial-dispersion plot. | ChangeLog | |||
rgslccorr | rgs light curve correction | ChangeLog | |||
rgslinepos | Calculate the position of a center of an emission line on the RGS camera | ChangeLog | |||
rgsoffsetcalc | Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsproc | Interactive version of the RGS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
rgsprods | Perl script for the RGS pipeline | ChangeLog | |||
rgsregions | Constructs RGS event selection regions | ChangeLog | |||
rgsrmfgen | Constructs an RGS response matrix file | ChangeLog | |||
rgssources | Select/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsspecplot | Produces annotated display of RGS spectra. | ChangeLog | |||
rgsspectrum | Extracts foreground and background spectra | ChangeLog | |||
rmfgen | Generates an OGIP-compliant RMF file | ChangeLog | |||
rmftools | ChangeLog | ||||
rot-im-det-sky | ChangeLog | ||||
rot_det_sky | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
rudi5mosaic | Mosaics two or more Rudi-5 images | ChangeLog | |||
rudiframetime | ChangeLog | ||||
sas | SAS gui | ChangeLog | |||
sashelp | Display the html documentation of a SAS task. | ChangeLog | |||
sasperl | ChangeLog | ||||
selectlib | Data Selection infrastructure library | ChangeLog | |||
siamgen | Generate ASCII SIAM file from CCF::Boresight | ChangeLog | |||
sla | ChangeLog | ||||
slconv | Converts XMM ML or summary source lists to gaia or ds9 format. | ChangeLog | |||
sp_partial | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
specadd | Creates multiple spectrum FITS file by stacking two spectral files | ChangeLog | |||
specgroup | Grouping of a spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
srcdisplay | Display image overlayed with positions of detected sources | ChangeLog | |||
srcmatch | Uses emldetect and OM source lists to write a summary source list | ChangeLog | |||
ssclib | SSC f90 Library Functions | ChangeLog | |||
statistics | ChangeLog | ||||
statsget | returns statistics for the specified columns | ChangeLog | |||
swcx | Extended Source Analysis Software | ChangeLog | |||
tabcalc | Perform arbitrary calculations on a table | ChangeLog | |||
tabgtigen | Create Good-Time-Interval table from time-varying data | ChangeLog | |||
taskmain | ChangeLog | ||||
testodf | ChangeLog | ||||
testprods | ChangeLog | ||||
timeappend | Appends a TIME column to a given table. | ChangeLog | |||
timecalc | Arithmetic with times | ChangeLog | |||
tools | A collection of utilties too small to call tasks | ChangeLog | |||
xcolorcod | EPIC True Color Images | ChangeLog | |||
xmmextractor | XMM-Newton data reduction and product generator proc | ChangeLog | |||
xmmselect | Interactive data selection and accumulation of products | ChangeLog | |||
xmmtimeconv | Tool to aid time conversion | ChangeLog |